

First of all, I'm not sure whether I should be releasing this on Pann or not, but I saw this on Twitter
People were saying how before she dropped out from middle school, she used to be a bully and there was even considerable information about it

(from Jaesong Girls Middle School (dropped out))

This is a part of the conversation I had with that person (t/n: Alleged victim/A). I'm only showing the part where they consented to be disclosed

OP: Is there anything you would like to mention? You don't need to identify anyone

A: Whether it's something good or bad, I just wished that she doesn't brings my attention to her... I don't even want to know how she's living her life, but she keeps being in the center of the media talk

OP: Right... Seriously she looks like she has a tact in attracting trolls

A: I hate seeing posts about her even when I don't want to knowㅠㅠ She's gaining even more attention now than when she promoted

OP: Ah..ㅠㅠ I can understand

A: Ah I even ended up sending my friend's picture next to me but thank you for adding the mosaicㅠㅠ

OP: Haha I'm trying not to harm anyone else

post response:
original post: here

1. [+313, -63]
Pretty Seolhyun find strength ㅠㅠ

2. [+293, -8]
If this one is true, Kwon Mina is such a scary person 

3. [+221, -35]
AOA members, find strength.. 

4. [+177, -5]
Kwon Mina also one-sidedly exiled Shin Jimin without any proofs. I can't trust anyone, there was not a single proof yet everyone just decided to believe Kwon Mina and turned AOA's bullying into factsㅠㅠㅠ They took Kwon Mina's words as facts when other people's words without proofs weren't factsㅋㅋ Seriously there are so many weird people ㅋㅋ

5. [+114, -8]
This issue has too little amount of proofs.. 

6. [+98, -72]
At this rate Shin Jimin is getting pitiful too... 

7. [+83, -23]
I know that Mina is viewed negatively by the media right now, but please don't bandwagon in the comments

8. [+63, -0]
At this rate, I seriously don't know anymore.. It's hard to spread something into the popular media if the victim herself isn't consistent with what they're saying


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