

T/N: sorry, kinda late to this news :<

The below was a picture that Kwon Mina posted on her Instagram today (T/N: post was written yesterday)
I don't know where to start but it's just like the title says
My friend was almost 1000 days into her relationship when her boyfriend stopped contacting her and ghosted her. Then randomly, Kwon Mina started doing lovestagram on her account.
This is already in the news.. The facts here are
1. In July 2020, the man sent her a DM comforting her but she left him on read. Later, in June 2021, Kwon Mina DM'ed him

2. From their conversation, it seems like she was aware that he had a girlfriend

3. The man only left a message (to OP's friend) saying that he's sorry and is now ghosting her. (From the man's clarification, he said that my friend is the one ghosting him but today! the lovestagram was uploaded and he sent her a message apologizing and that was it. He never broke up with her)

4. Both my friend and the man have quite a few followers on Insta and

5. They had a public relationship

My friend Park XX ('98-liner) has been dating Kwon Mina's boyfriend since 2018/10/5 so for around 3 years. My friend went to study abroad in the UK and took a vacation to see her boyfriend and came back in March 2019. Since April 2019, she and Kwon Mina's boyfriend Yoo XX ('98-liner) started living together.

Meanwhile, on June 19th, Kwon Mina first DM'ed Yoo asking him to draw for her. And just like the screencap, you can see that Kwon Mina knew that Yoo had a girlfriend. This is a screencap of Yoo's DMs from Kwon Mina
"Mina: Can I ask you a favor?

Yoo Yes, what kind of favor?

Mina: When you are completely free, can you draw a drawing for me?

Yoo: I've never learned how to draw professionally and I've only been sketching by myself so I don't know if you'll like it😭

Mina: I saw your Insta and you're really good
ㅠㅠ is it too much to ask for?

Yoo: I'll try my best ㅜㅠ even though I'm embarrassed

Mina: Don't be!! I like seeing you and your girlfriend together so please draw something with a mysterious love💙 I'll go pick it up when it's ready

Yoo: Ok, I don't know how long it will take but I'll do my best!

Mina: Ok, thank you😊"

My friend and Yoo were also in a public relationship on Instagram, and all of their acquaintances and followers knew that they were still in a relationship until recently.

Meanwhile, about two days ago, I could see from Kwon Minah's post that Yoo, who left home saying he would stay out overnight to meet a senior at the army, had ghosted her since then. My friend learned that he was cheating on her through Kwon Mina's Instagram.

Given that there are still photos and traces of their relationship on Yoo's Instagram, there's no way that Kwon Minah wouldn't know that he was in a relationship with my friend, and even though she knew about my friend's existence, I can't help but think that she's just using her position as a public figure to shove her relationship all over her Instagram.
I hope that the facts will be known as soon as possible because acquaintances who watched the relationship between my friend and her boyfriend know nothing about the current situation and I know that my friend will have a hard time seeing the comments supporting Kwon Mina and her boyfriend's relationship. The Katalk are the messages they shared after Yoo said that he was meeting with his senior in the army

"Friend: XX, are you up?
When are you waking up? ㅜㅜ

Boyfriend: I was up but I'm so tired ㅠ
Why are you meeting (her)???

Friend: You just woke up now?
I fought with my unnie

Boyfriend: Why?????

Friend: Because she's so shameless and I was deceived too many times so we fought
I think that she has a trash temper
I'll tell you later

Boyfriend: ㅠㅠ wait 

Friend: Yup
Are you super busy?
I'll set my alarm and take a nap for 1 hour

Boyfriend: Okㅠㅠ

Friend: I'm up
When are you coming? I'm a bit in a bad mood
I don't know when you slept. I don't even know what you are doing 

Boyfriend: Can I stay one more day (outside)?
I kept on talking
And drinking
That's it

Friend: Just call me
Can I ask you why you weren't picking up the phone?
I am asking you what you are doing now, not what you were doing yesterday
I don't know what you are doing XX
Did something happen?
If you reply your Katalks so late and don't pick up, what am I supposed to think?

Boyfriend: Sorry

Friend: I hope that you feel better soon

Boyfriend: I'll try to be fine

Friend: Ok, everything will be fine. I will also try to think positively. You said that you were feeling exhausted because of me and it's been on my mind. I'm also sorry

Boyfriend: Don't be, you don't need to be sorry

Friend: Please keep your promise tomorrow

(Next day)

Friend: XX-ah

Boyfriend: I don't have anything to say right now. I'm sincerely sorry for hurting you until the end"

Just what is my commoner friend supposed to do here?

Please give me some advice..
Please help me share this with the media

post response:
original post: here

1. [+2,216, -29]
If this is true, she's definitely using her mental state as a pretext to justify herself

2. [+1,671, -40]
To be honest, I've always supported Mina until now, but from her power trip towards the nurse to now, she's had her fair share of controversies..

3. [+1,485, -534]
AOA members didn't do anything wrong, but because of her, they were forced out even during their prime. Meanwhile, she's having fun with a man who's cheating on her girlfriendㅋㅋ What a sight damn 

4. [+1,182, -20]
She's taking a jab about someone else's private life and them having s*x in her dorm, meanwhile she's a hypocrite

5. [+1,054, -30]
Even when AOA members aren't opening their mouths, we keep reassessing their positionsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+1,028, -8]
Looks like she undressed herself on purposed to post that picture... And he apparently just met her and they already started dating right away... Kwon Mina seems like the obsessive type... She's basically declaring that the man is hers to the other woman 

7. [+875, -10]
Some hours later, Kwon Mina's IG: (Attaching a wrist picture) We too, I want to screw off right awayㅋㅋ I'm having it so hard right now. But I still can't forget what happened in the past. What that unnie did to me. I've endured 10 years, and now I've finally met someone I love, listened to me, and made me happy.... I'm explaining to you that this is not cheating, so stop the witch hunt. Please don't kill people over this

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