


"Let's stay together forever"

You want them to say together forever

Even if there is no promise about future promotion, keeping the group together is good enough

Even if only a few of the members renewed their contracts, or even if all of the members leave the company, there is no official news about a disbandment. So if the timing is right, there's a chance that everyone can get together and promote together again

You want them to just cleanly disband

If they don't have any promises regarding future activities, it means nothing to keep their group name. It's
better to disband than to have fake hope.

These days, there are a lot of groups that don't give out official news about disbandment. Instead, they would promote individually as "X group's member"

Another issue that a lot of people are fighting about is for groups that don't promote for a lot of years.
They either argue that the group has in fact disbanded vs there is no official news so they are still together

original post: here

1. 2 is better. The fans of the other groups of their new company are always fighting us every day. Just cut it down with the fake hope

2. 2ㅜㅜ 1 is just hope torture... I wouldn't be able to endure it and would just quit the fandom

3. 11

4. 2. If you're not gonna promote, just go on your separate ways

5. 2. Wouldn't it be more profitable if every member just promotes individually? Their personal fans will follow them anyways

6. 2222 1 just feels like exploitation of fans as consumers

7. 111, the feeling is just different...

8. If they don't get into any controversy, 1

9. Straight up 1. When time passes by, they will get back together. Just look at Finkl

10. Me too I fangirled on a group that had a long hiatus. In the end, they never announced the disbandment news and the members just left the company so seeing a group promotion will be difficult. Before that, I was definitely rooting for 1 and I was an all-fan... but even though it's sad, I think that 2 is better for the singer and the fans

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