My eyes are seriously f*cking small so they've always been a complex of mine? Last year, I had double eyelids surgery and I fixed my eye shape and made them wider and longer. Seriously, I've done all the possible surgeries I could get for my eyes but they are still the size of a buttonhole... To be honest, I fixed my inner and outer eye corners twiceㅋㅋㅋㅋ my eyes are a little bit bigger than before but they are only big on a relative basis. If you see my eyes with my overall face, they are still the size of a buttonhole.
Are there any ways to make my eyes bigger...? If you want to know how desperate I am, I even looked up 'ways to increase eyes size' on 'Hoonnyeo saengjeong', f*ck (T/N: Hoonnyeo saengjeong = Internet culture where teen girls would share about makeup, lifestyle, beauty, and other tips online - they are usually written on Naver Blog and are of little credibility since they are mostly written by girls in elementary~middle school)

post response:
original post: here
1. [+111, 0]
'Hoonnyeo saengjeong'ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ you were that desperate huh...
2. [+87, -2]
Even with small eyes, if the overall harmony with your face is good, you will be solidly pretty ㅇㅇㅇㅇ since your eyes can't get bigger, you should try losing weight on your face or massage your face to make it smaller. Maybe that would make your eyes bigger?
3. [+54, -9]
Tzuyu is so pretty in that pic
4. [+23, 0]
You did all the surgeries possible?? Don't be so greedy anymore, I bet that you will look fine if you pamper yourself prettily.. There are a lot of pretty people with small eyes too
5. [+20, 0]
Then you need to make your face smaller no?
6. [+10, 0]
How can your eyes be the size of a buttonhole if you did your inner and outer corners along with double eyelids...? Maybe they don't look harmonized with your face?
7. [+8, 0]
Even if your eyes are small, if your face looks harmonized, you can be pretty enough