

t/n: there are over 2000 comments on this post, this issue is blowing up

This male idol (singer who's from Produce called Lee Jinhyuk) is shooting a drama with Kim Seulgi called "Find Me in Your Memory". They appeared as a couple

LJH: "Nice to see you" "ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

When the 2 female leads Moon Gayoung and Kim Seulgi were shooting an IG live and suddenly the male idol came in and started commenting and playing around
Kim Seulgi is in a couple with him, so she called him "Darling see you later" and ended the live
This is how they call themselves in the drama roles

But the male idol fans who saw that all went crazy

So some days later,

The male idol went on IG live and said that the company allowed him to leave comments on the IG live and that he didn't know that Kim Seulgi would respond like that. He said that Kim Seulgi apologized to him and that he was just going to let it slide, but he didn't know it would become such a big deal

So he explained it like that

(He also got pissed saying)
"She apologized to me saying that "It was in the middle of the shooting so I didn't know this would come out unconsciously. I'm really sorry." and I just said "ok" and was going to let it slide"

Kim Seulgi has been acting for so long and I'm so mad that she had to apologized just for staying in her role
(The male idol entered the IG live because he was watching it, no one forced him to come in)

He publicly said that she apologized and said that he didn't expect anything, it seems like he was shifting all the blame to Kim Seulgi and said that she apologized publicly like that and that he would "let it slide"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

(the apology part starts at 15:55)

original post: here

1. Can you guys stop?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  Do you want to make it into a situation where Lee Jinhyuk will be the one apologizing to Kim Seulgi? That will be even more uncomfortable

2. Being an idol means having a job where you have to delude your fans into thinking you're in a relationship with them, so they all agreed that Kim Seulgi is the one at fault. But this isn't idol Lee Jinhyuk shooting the drama, but he's shooting the drama as an actor... If you watch the video, he's saying that this is his debut work as an actor, so he's not going into this with an idol mentality but an actor's mentality. I've been watching so many dramas with idols and it's my first time seeing such a big controversy blow up because of a fake couple?

3. If you were  a real fan of Lee jinhyuk, you wouldn't fuel the fire and just go to sleepㅠㅠ Me too, I'm a fan of somebody, so I can understand the fans wanting to shield him, but don't you understand the repercussion if the number of comments here increases? The more you shield, the more your oppa will get into trouble, that's for sure..

4. No but if you want to shield him, at least know the whole situation before shielding. They were in their character and Lee Jinhyuk was the first one to enter the IG live. And who's the first one to have left the character's name in the chat box???

5. What the... He could've just mentioned that she apologized without the need to say that he was going to let it slide... The fans who hear that will obviously think that Kim Seulgi committed some big crime against him ㅠㅠ

6. Looks like if you stick some love line with a male idol, the other actors will all be worn out because of themㅇㅇ the male idols' fandom can ruin everything, so it's not a good idea to mesh fandom with general publicㅠㅠ

7. Why is Lee jinhyuk talking like that?... He treats her so badlyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Kim Seulgi is pitiful

8. He has to make the distinction between his role as an actor and his role as an idol, and he should've educated his fans too. So this is how he's going to resolve an ugly situation? He's so inconsiderate of the other party

9. When you're shooting a drama, you will give fan service to the drama fans, so they will stick to the script of their characters. He's only taking care of his fans, but not Kim Seulgi's fans

10. I always like Lee Jinhyuk, but Kim Seulgi isn't at fault

11. The fans are starting the controversy purposefully seriously

12. They were shooting a IG live in their character within the drama's script and he's saying he wasn't expecting this situation to happen.. And the actress was already amazing enough to apologize to him but what's up with him saying that he would let it slide.. He should've just said that the actress couldn't help in that situation.. His personality is showing

13. Let me clarify the situation for you
Kim Seulgi called the male idol "Darling"
So Kim Seulgi is indeed at fault
Idols is a job where they are earning their money with their delusional relationships
Kim Seulgi calling him darling or whatever, even if she was in character, saying that to a male idol can only harm him
So it's fair to say that it was right that Kim Seulgi had to apologize
Just think about some actor calling a female idol "darling" in character mode

14. To be honest there was no need for Kim Seulgi to apologize. The idol's intention was probably to say that it wasn't a big deal but she still apologized and he was going to just overlook it, but the fact that he mentioned she apologized, to the fans, it means that she crossed the line with him. It's true that Lee Jinhyuk didn't make the right decision to say that in his IG live


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