Let's write down our incidents!
I was 7 and my mom left the car to go somewhere so she left and kept the doors locked
I was too bored, so I was playing "coo-coo" with the people passing in front of the car's windows and I was just playing by myself
but some ajussi who came wearing a hat walked to the driver's seat and started trying to open the door and suddenly asked me to open the doorㅋㅋㅋㅋ
We used a mini cooper as a car so the handle of the car looked a bit weird and I didn't know how to open the door either. So I told the ajussi I didn't know how to open so he kept asking me to open the door;;; To be honest, if I knew how to open the door, I would've opened it..
Anyways, he kept asking me and I thought that the ajussi was a guard since he was wearing a hat... And I told him "My mom will open for you when she's back!" like that and this crazy f*cker ran away..
What about you?
"If you don't clean your hands properly after doing your business in the washroom"
1. [+263, -6]
When I went to a concert someone stabbed me with metal chopsticks and I fainted f*ck
2. [+232, -5]
A jindo dog f*cking chased me;;;
3. [+197, -1]
I was just floating in those pools at the water park and there was this f*cking fat girl who dived in my direction, I was submerged under water for several seconds... F*ck whenever I think back at it I just want to hit my own head
4. [+178, -2]
I was visiting some cliffs at Jeju-do and I slipped so I almost fell, I barely escaped the crisis
5. [+163, -1]
I was 2 years old? Or 3 years old? I was in a pool that was about 2m deep in a hotel, my parents went looking for something for a bit and I slipped and fell in the pool...I was sinking and some ajussi pulled me out by my leg.. After that, they sent me to the emergency room and I couldn't wake up for 1 hour, my mom seriously thought I died
6. [+126, -2]
When I was young, I thought I could fly so I jumped out from the 1st floor of our apartment, my mom was on her way home and she found me fainted in the flower bed in front of the house, she thought I just fell asleep while playing with dirt outside..
I was 7 and my mom left the car to go somewhere so she left and kept the doors locked
I was too bored, so I was playing "coo-coo" with the people passing in front of the car's windows and I was just playing by myself
but some ajussi who came wearing a hat walked to the driver's seat and started trying to open the door and suddenly asked me to open the doorㅋㅋㅋㅋ
We used a mini cooper as a car so the handle of the car looked a bit weird and I didn't know how to open the door either. So I told the ajussi I didn't know how to open so he kept asking me to open the door;;; To be honest, if I knew how to open the door, I would've opened it..
Anyways, he kept asking me and I thought that the ajussi was a guard since he was wearing a hat... And I told him "My mom will open for you when she's back!" like that and this crazy f*cker ran away..
What about you?

"This is how you'll end up doing"
post response:
original post; here
1. [+263, -6]
When I went to a concert someone stabbed me with metal chopsticks and I fainted f*ck
2. [+232, -5]
A jindo dog f*cking chased me;;;
3. [+197, -1]
I was just floating in those pools at the water park and there was this f*cking fat girl who dived in my direction, I was submerged under water for several seconds... F*ck whenever I think back at it I just want to hit my own head
4. [+178, -2]
I was visiting some cliffs at Jeju-do and I slipped so I almost fell, I barely escaped the crisis
5. [+163, -1]
I was 2 years old? Or 3 years old? I was in a pool that was about 2m deep in a hotel, my parents went looking for something for a bit and I slipped and fell in the pool...I was sinking and some ajussi pulled me out by my leg.. After that, they sent me to the emergency room and I couldn't wake up for 1 hour, my mom seriously thought I died
6. [+126, -2]
When I was young, I thought I could fly so I jumped out from the 1st floor of our apartment, my mom was on her way home and she found me fainted in the flower bed in front of the house, she thought I just fell asleep while playing with dirt outside..