"Isu Station assault crime
Four men beat two women and am currently hospitalized"
"I am currently hospitalized and just woke up to write this. This happened November 13, 4am, in a beer bar at Isu Station.
My female friend and I were drinking beer and a couple at a table next to us kept looking at us. Even when we asked why they are looking at us, they just kept laughing at us and whispering to each other, so we were feeling uncomfortable.
Their behavior led to a verbal argument, and five men that had no relation to this joined in with the argument and started attacking us. The couple said "Are those people, they don't even seem like people and the men said "I'm seeing femnazi bitches that I've only heard about, what is wrong with their faces" and attacked our physicality. The boyfriend said "fuck those bitches" and posed like he was going to hit us. The girlfriend told him to hold back but the situation kept escalating and the voices kept getting louder. We all cussed at each other and the girlfriend stepped outside to call the police. (At this time, one of the men within the group that seemed to be a military soldier was gone)
The couple left and we were left with the men in the bar and they kept asking us how old we were (a male worker that saw our ID's revealed our ages). The men kept harassing us saying why are we like this even as grown-ups, don't you have things to do.
My friend could not stand them secretly taking our pictures and approached them to tell them to stop taking pictures, but they didn't even listen to her and started pushing her. As the situation turned more violent I started to record as well but a man took my phone. When I tried to take back my phone, he squeezed my wrists and said "stop fucking around, you were born with a vagina and can't even do this (take the phone back)" and "isn't what you're doing a molka?
And he pushed me to the wall, and as I stumbled, he pushed me again and I lost my balance and hit my head on the ground. When I tried to get up, he threatened me swinging a chair around saying "Are you scared? That's right who told you to fuck around, retard"
Due to the shock of me hitting my head, I didn't get up. (the place I fell was near the exit) The men started leaving the bar, stepped over where I was lying as they laughed, stepped on my bag, told me to move over, all the whilst cursing at me.
When my friend said she needs to call the police, the men quickly left and I reported to the police as physical abuse victims. My friend said she won't let any one of them escape and grabbed one, and he struggled to escape.
She was pushed around violently near the exiting stairs. I kept saying don't push near the stairs, but the men kept struggling to escape while one man kicked my friend. She flew back and hit her head on the corner of the stairs.
"I was so surprised and immediately sat her up and she started profusely bleeding from the back of her head. The men ran away when they saw she hit her head and I wiped the blood away with my shaking hands. As my shoes, socks, and clothes were soaked in blood and I did not have the time to call 119 so I pleaded the employee to do so. I kept talking to my friend so that she did not go unconscious. The police arrived 30 minutes after the initial call, and as the police were taking in the situation the four men came back.
As I was answering to the police they continued harassing me saying "speak properly" and the man that kicked my friend told the police that "she fell on her own when I removed my hand." During all this my friend went unconscious and was rushed to the ER.
Her head was paved to the point that you could nearly see her skull. She is stitched up but is suffering from dizziness, headaches, and stomachaches due to nervousness. She could not eat properly and is currently being treated and monitored on only two spoonfuls of congee.
She currently slept half the day away. I was moved to the police station (here I'm not sure if she means she was moved with four officers or the previous four men) with two police cars but I was afraid when I would be harassed again.
The idleness you must have to sleep in the police car. The freedom you must have to go out for a smoke in between writing a statement. The comfort you must have as you take your shoes off and lie down as you wait. They wouldn't be afraid of one woman as four men.
Every officer was a man and you could easily pretend you were the victim. "We were harmed as well, look. A button fell off. And the card we used is broken" "You can't really tell but if you look at my sleeve it's all stretched out.
The fear I felt as I was being threatened alone, in a situation I've never been in, haunts and traumatizes me and still makes me sick and nauseated thinking about it.
The first offence started with the couple and the boyfriend acted like he would hit us and when violence broke out, the couple ran away. In the end, he showed he would invoke physical and verbal abuse to a smaller woman, and influenced the group of men to be violent.
We never even talked about those 5 men in the beginning, but the four men joined tables with the couple with curses and harassment, and even with their bigger bodies, they inflicted physical violence and blood was spilled.
We need your help because we know that there will be more victims that feed their superiority complex as they see that short-haired, loud, strong women are nothing to be afraid of after all.
Please contact us if you have experienced something similar or are experts in the law field. We are labeled the abusers and not the victims (because they caught them holding back).
We will continue to communicate with you on what happens in the future.
Please help spread this. Thank you for reading my long words and let us be outraged together"
post response:
original post: here
- 미쳤나 2018.11.14 16:54
- OMG How can something like this even happen?? I get goosebumps just thinking that this could've been me. Until when are women going to continue to live in fear
- ㅇㅇ 2018.11.14 16:56
- The words that those men said.. are just shocking. We should really start considering misogyny a crime. This all started from sheer disgust and mockery, if he's not the criminal ㅋㅋ.. He must receive an extreme sentence. Although I have no strength, I'm going to do everything I can to get "Lee Sooyeok assault" (#이수역_폭행남) out there.