
An unfortunate case of fraudulent act in college entrance exams 2 years ago

The board of education disqualified 4 students for fraudulent acts in college entrance exams. Student A was disqualified after the first round (Korean test) of the exams because her mother's phone rang in her lunch box. The reps said, "The student's mother seems to have left her cellphone in the lunch box by mistake."

Student's blog post:
"My mother gave me the lunch box and I went straight to the exams with it. When the first round was almost done, my phone started ringing so I had to come home right away... I really want to apologize to those who were in the same room as me. It was a Korean test which you had to focus really hard ㅠㅠ"


Pann: An unfortunate case of fraudulent act in college entrance exams 2 years ago

1. [+164, -2] The mother must've felt so guilty... Her mistake ruined her kid's college entrance exams...

2. [+140, -0] I can't imagine how guilty the mother must be feeling ㅠㅠ I wonder how the student ended up. Since she had to study for one more year, I hope she got into her dream university.

3. [+124, -0] I read the post and became nervous, so I emptied my bag and clothes when I went to write the exams. But I also emptied my head so I bombed the exams.

4. [+92, -2] I know the student's academy teacher and he told me the student was a really hard-working and smart student ㅠㅠ Unlike the blog post, the student cried a lot in front of the teacher ㅠㅠ

5. [+48, -0] This happened in 2016 and the student was able to re-write the exams in 2017 because she didn't have a malicious intent.

6. [+39, -0] The student is so well-mannered... Her mother's mistake is unfortunate but she has a good daughter.

7. [+37, -0] Wow, if this was me, I would feel like the world was tearing apart and wouldn't even want to see my mom.

8. [+22, -4] It's against the rule but it's funny how they call it a fraudulent act when it wasn't.

9. [+18, -0] I wouldn't want to write the exams with someone like her. I know it was unfortunate but tests like Korean are super hard.

10. [+17, -0] The punishment for fraudulent act in college entrance exams is quite severe. You're disqualified for the year and the next year. And when you write the exams the next time, you have to be educated for 10 hours.

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