
There was this scene in BOA's MV
and everyone was thinking that she was walking on something for sure
but turns out, she was actually walking like that

original post: here
1. She's not planning to do this on stage right? It's so dangerous
2. Hul.. Is this possible?
3. Isn't it her showcase today? I'm curious to see..
4. Hul I think if they lifted me like that, I would be able to do it too... But the issue is, are they even able to lift me...
5. It's so dangerous, what if they dropped her? Her neck is at risk
6. It just looks like she's having it hard, doesn't look cool...
7. As expected from BoAㅋㅋㅅThis isn't something I can do... She's so cool
8. I found her so cool in that part of the MV
9. F*cking coolㅋㅋ A choreography that can only be done by BoAㅋㅋㅋ
10. You guys find this cool? I found it so so