
"Currently, one student attending Seohae Elementary School in Mokpo, South Jeolla Province is brain dead and unconscious. Even if he gains consciousness, his mental age will be that of a three or a four year old. I am so mad and upset to hear that the parents of the attacker are laughing and chatting in front of the ICU (Intensive Care Unit).
The child who is brain dead is my family. My family members cannot be comforted because the investigation is not proceeding smoothly due to the fact that this incident happened between elementary school students. Violence is violence even if an elementary student did it. The child is under critical condition, but the attacker did not receive any proper punishment. The school is also taking no action whatsoever and says that other students are anxious. I am very distressed. I hope that my family members don’t get hurt anymore. I hope that his consciousness returns to him soon"
Cr: Soompioriginal post: here
1. [+453, 0]
Can we strengthen the juvenile law please?.. I don't think that it's right to reduce someone's sentence just because they are young. And they hit the guy until he became brain dead... How is that the act of a child? I'm so upset... Even the child's consciousness is...ㅜㅜ please come back to us..
2. [+177, -1]
Please don't view the attacker as a elementary schooler, seriously...
3. [+132, 0]
The more time goes on the more I'm creeped out by how people raise their kids. How can an elementary student hit someone until he becomes brain dead?
4. [+88, -2]
Why are there so many problematic kids like these nowadays?... This is seriously upsetting. Shouldn't we start a national petition at this point?
5. [+66, 0]
Let's start punishing elementary students
6. [+20, 0]
So the parents of the attacker were laughing in front of the hospital room? I lost my mind. He must be so upset...