Here's the PART 1 :)
Hi everyone! I’m the OP regarding the international fan post ^^ Honestly, I don’t know if using ‘pathetic’ was the right word, maybe ‘pointless’ or ‘hopeless’ would have been better? I really couldn’t think of a better word to use hehe~ Anyways, I enjoyed reading the responses regardless how you viewed my story. I was scared of sharing it as it was the first time I've ever shared anything like this online. But it was nice to see that some of you could relate to it and how you turned it into a positive instead and even if you didn’t you offered your perspectives. It was stuff that happened in the past so my sentiments from then have changed a lot, so don’t worry I am very self aware and don’t think I am entitled to anything from my bias!!! ^^ But the reason I am writing this second post is because I wanted to clarify some things, especially the speculations about who or which group and felt a huge responsibility to set things straight. First and foremost, this post was not to call out or shade any specific idol group!!! 100% It is NOT about BTS or Jimin and who it is does not matter, so please don’t use this as an opportunity to drag the group. My intention was not to demand for special treatment of i-fans or anything of that sort. However, I don't think there is a need for me to continue the discussion on the whole i-fans vs k-fans, as a lot of you have already made good points. It is important to just enjoy things as they are and not get so emotionally riled over trivial things or read too deep into things. In the end we are all fans anyways. Yes, it is good to be appreciated but we are also the ones who chose
to like these groups. Having expectations can't be helped, but when we expect too much of what is required we will only get hurt. Regarding the idol that I met, I’d like to say that when I saw this idol walking by I really didn’t have thoughts that this person must take pictures or notice me. I really was just an excited fan to meet my bias and was too naive of what the reality was going to be like. I already admitted, I knew I was feeling very entitled regarding my thoughts and it was wrong. At that time it hurt because it was someone I could only dream about meeting through my computer screen and the reality was otherwise. What exactly happened isn't important, but as many of you said it’s the reality that hits you. When you meet your favorite idol(s) it’s not like in your fantasy, the pink fluffy stuff that makes your heart flutter. That reality just hit a little harder for me. It was a wake up call making me realize I should not invest this much emotion into someone who was like a fictional character in my reality. I know full well that idols are humans and are not obligated to provide fan service; in that moment I just let my emotion cloud my judgement and said those things. Anyways, before it gets any longer I will end it here. I didn’t write this to change anyone's mind, but I just wanted to clarify those two things. Again, please don’t use this as an opportunity to spread false rumors or bring hate to any group!!! Whoever the group or person may be is not important because it is something in the past. I have no ill intention and just wanted to share my personal thoughts/experience. As I’ve said, these two incidents have changed me a lot and I fan girl with a much healthier mindset now, so it would be nice if you all didn’t just skip over that and continue to call me pathetic! TT_TT It hurt reading comments like that! I know I’m the one who put myself out there saying those things and should be prepared for it all, but I am still human so even comments like that lingered in my head all day. Please remember to be kind and remember that what you say can affect others too!! ^^ ~