ChenBaekXi's unit (Chen, Baekhyun, Xiumin), those are the squirrels they're so cute

The reason why they're the master unit for OSTs:
For you (2016) Moon lovers ost
cry (2017) ファイナルライフ ost
someone like you (2018) Live ost
Everytime I hear their OST, I always end up being teary because of their ballads. Their songs are seriously good and their lyrics are daebak
Usually, we don't really hear them a lot, but the fans are all emotional because we're finally able to hear their voice colors.
Everyone, please don't see them as EXO, and just give them a try, especially "Someone like you"...
It's such a precious song
ChenBaekXi are having a comeback on April, please give them a lot of support!!!
The reason why they're the master unit for OSTs:
For you (2016) Moon lovers ost
cry (2017) ファイナルライフ ost
someone like you (2018) Live ost
Everytime I hear their OST, I always end up being teary because of their ballads. Their songs are seriously good and their lyrics are daebak
Usually, we don't really hear them a lot, but the fans are all emotional because we're finally able to hear their voice colors.
Everyone, please don't see them as EXO, and just give them a try, especially "Someone like you"...
It's such a precious song
ChenBaekXi are having a comeback on April, please give them a lot of support!!!
post response:
original post :here
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- ㅇㅇ 2018.03.24 19:01
- For you was so good and this song is good too. I'm watching the drama just for the OSTㅋㅋㅋㅋ