When groups of sasaengs follow idols, They are a lot of idols who would do the same thing back and take pictures and videos of their sasaengs.
I was talking about this with my friends and our opinions were pretty divided. I wanted to ask you guys about this too, what do you guys think of this topic?
Vote up: they also know that they are causing harm to the sasaengs. But what's wrong with taking pictures of criminals
Vote down: It's not like these pictures were uploaded on SNS. But why don't they stop taking pictures of them then? I don't understand why they would take pictures of sasaengs

I was talking about this with my friends and our opinions were pretty divided. I wanted to ask you guys about this too, what do you guys think of this topic?
Vote up: they also know that they are causing harm to the sasaengs. But what's wrong with taking pictures of criminals
Vote down: It's not like these pictures were uploaded on SNS. But why don't they stop taking pictures of them then? I don't understand why they would take pictures of sasaengs
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original post: here
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ㅇㅇ 2018.03.25 01:35
I saw this post and I think it's related to sasaengs.. I wonder what the sasaengs feel if they see their bias upload something like that out of worries at dawn
"I'm writing this out of worries. I know that in reality, my job does not allow me to show the facets that I want nor the facets that I don't want. Even so, please don't follow me up to the hospital like yesterday. That was simply something that I had to do not as a celebrity but as my parents' son. I sincerely ask for your cooperation"