1. The button to close the elevator is broken so you have to wait 10 sec before it closes
2. YouTube pops up an error message every 1 min
3. The Wi-fi can’t go over 1 bar (or 1 space depending on your format)
4. You can’t chew down the chicken cartilage
5. You order coffee at a vending machine and already has the cup in your hand but the coffee doesn’t pour down
6. The websites you’re browsing can’t open in less than 20 sec
7. You have to eat your meal in less than 30 min
8. You stand in a line but it’s the longest one
9. You’re boiling your cup ramen and for 3 min, you can’t do anything else but stare at it
10. The subway only coming every 15 min
11. You get into the metro and a message tells you that you can’t take that ride
12. You can’t do more than 2 things at a time
13. You can’t go out of the movies until all the end credits have passed
14. You can’t take your phone to the washrooms
16. You can’t eat ramen with kimchi
17. You have to go to the most top floor every time you want to take the elevator
18. The other party never replies your call (unless you call more than 3 times)
19. You can only eat oily food and not spicy food (no kimchi, gochujang and gochu)
20. You have to tell everything twice before the person understands
21. You have to let the meat cook completely until you eat it and you can’t touch it before that (no turning meat, etc.)
22. You have to stare at the microwave until the food is warm
23. Your mascara smudges every time you look at yourself in the washroom mirrors
24. When you talk to a kid who just doesn’t care about you unless you tell them 15 times
post response:
original post: here
inline-block; float: left;">반대0
- ㅇㅇ 2017.11.23 08:43
- Meanwhile, there’s no #15ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It’s f*cking funny, I wasn’t aware of it