

I don’t know where I can write this concern so I’m posting this in the teens’ section. It’s just like the title says, my 15 y.o. daughter is crazy about idols and doesn’t study.
Usually, she likes to play the piano, to draw and to write…. She’s very blessed in terms of artistic talents so I wanted her to focus on that ear.
But my daughter has always taken these things as hobbies and never really took it seriously…. She also hates studying. Ever since she was young, I’ve always let her do whatever made her happy and never really forced her to study either.
But ever since last year, my daughter became obsessed with idols and she doesn’t even study anymore, not even for a little bit, she’s just crazy about them…
I even went to one of the idols’ concerts with her… I told her to wake up and that she should study, I said that I’ll confiscate her phone and not let her use the TV or internet otherwise…. It’s seriously a mess now…
I’m seriously worried about my daughter’s future.
If I knew that it would turn out like that, I should’ve been more strict to her and send her to the academy and made her study more…. When I think like that, I really feel sad.
Whether my daughter wants to study music, liberal arts, arts or whatever, I’m ready to support her but I feel like her talent is rotting away……
Any time I tell my daughter something, it just goes in one ear and leaves through the other.
I want to ask you teens about what I should with my daughter who’s so into idols…..
My daughter had never had an average above 70% ever since she started middle school. Can I even continue to hope that my daughter gets a wakeup call and start to study?
Please give me some advice.

Image result for kpop fans
(pic not included)

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ㅇㅇ |2017.11.23 01:47 신고하기
Just tell her that she needs to score above a certain % so that you can let her to go her concerts? Me too I always go to concerts and fan events but my average is 94%... just tell her that you will only allow her to go if she scores higher than 94%... I’m also in my 2nd year of middle school

ㅇㅇ |2017.11.23 10:53 신고하기
But I’m so jealous that you support everything your daughter wants to do….
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ㅇㅇ |2017.11.23 10:35 신고하기
Just let her be. People who wants to work hard will end up working hard no matter what. Same for the opposite.

ㅇㅇ |2017.11.23 02:10 신고하기
To be honest, there are people who are crazy over idols but who study hard too… just like the comments say, make a commitment with her. Without her studying hard, she will not be able to fulfill the promise.

ㅇㅇ |2017.11.23 16:32 신고하기
I don’t think that it has anything to do with her liking idols. I’ve seen a lot of cases of kids ranking #1 in school even though they are fans of idols. It all depends on her own will power.


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