

T/n: 음총팀 = mass voting team, team of fans who usually take care of streaming and online events, anything that necessitate online votes/streaming is part of the mass voting team

Teardrop donation

Money spent
Digital (99,770won only spent on Genie) + Daum 137,940won = 237,710won
Giftcon = 531,300won
Remaining money = 2,739,280won

Trauma donation
2,337,785won + Teardrop (2,739,280won) = 5,077,065won

Money spent
digital = 181,830won
Giftcon - 63,900won
Digital + giftcon = 245,730won
Remaining money = 4,381,335won

SF9 mass voting tweet: 
Hello, this is the executive of SF9 mass voting team.
I acknowledge the claims of embezzlement in this case and are reorganizing all transaction details.
Sorry again for lying.
I'll admit it's all my fault, and I'll fix my mistakes and post it as soon as possible today.

When calculated using the Excel you posted, the total amount of embezzlement is 4,831,335 won. If you add up the remaining amount of the mass voting for Kingdom + Summer Breeze, the amount is even bigger ^^. Even if you were to reimburse everyone who have donated, now that you have acknowledged the claims regarding Fantasy's money, you need to clarify the amount spent on Kingdom and Summer Breeze too. 

They have scammed 4,831,335won
This is the minimum amount to be refunded, but there are still a lot of bank accounts that didn't get reimbursed yet
Even if he embezzled 240,000 won from 5 million won, does it even make sense that they were able to embezzle 240,000won??

original post: here

1. Crazy... Do they have no fears? 

2. This is seriously evil The issue isn't only money, it's that they didn't do anything to support SF9ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ  My blood is thinning out at the thought of their digital score

3. I'm not even a fan but I can't even fathom being able to cosplay as a fan to do things like that, this is a novel way of scamming 

4. Can't the fans sue them? 

5. Wow this is crazy, did they think they wouldn't get caught? 

6. They've been voting for Kingdom for 1 year and they've "supported" 2 albums, how many people are they going to compensate...

7. Is one person pretending to be several person...? They're indeed brave... 

8. Can you even do this? This is seriously crazy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. Wow this is possible????? How did this person's personal statement appear??? They didn't even investigate anything? Just wow... The amount is so big.. 

10. They received over 500K in their bank, how can they not be aware of it, and they were alone? This isn't even through work


If you look at their first week sales, after Summer Breeze, they've doubled their sales. Their first week sales played in the inflation too, but the fame they got from Kingdom was the biggest reason

However, even though they're shooting to their career high with their physical album, their digital sales were still cut in half
After Good Guy their scores on Melon was never as high as Trauma after Kingdom 

However the blame was put on the fact that the fandom didn't work hard enough + the fandom lacked inflow + mainly having international fans

However, during the Kingdom~Trauma activity, the mass voting team did nothing (ex. check for the traction before their comeback❌, uploading the streaming list late, no streaming event, no giveaways for digital streaming, etc.)

And the reason why there was dissatisfaction among the fans
"We are lacking donations. 
We don't care about money, we just need a lot of love and interest from Fantasy"

The staff keeps asking for money every time
(I'm not going into how the fans claim that there was a lack of fans and it was weird how the mass voting team themselves have no money) 

However, Trauma, which was the last promotion before they entered their break, the mass voting team was found doing nothing +  at the same time, they hit the highest first week sales + digital sales crashed
This wasn't only something that Theqoo noticed, but the fans' community also started speculating
(comments discussing the possibility of the mass voting team not streaming) 

(gossips about the mass voting team, again speculating about potentially not streaming) 

At first, the mass voting team denied the rumors and said they would publicize the deposits they've done with the money, but in the end they acknowledged the embezzlement 

Their digital score turned out to be only 7 points... 

original post: here

1. Hul embezzlement is seriously not right 

2. This can potentially ruin their idols' career... They were able to get a boost from Kingdom, meanwhile, they ended up in an embezzlement controversy

3. Aigoo....ㅜㅠㅠ  This can cost their idols' career..ㅜㅠ  What are the fans gonna doㅠㅜㅠ

4. Wow... There are f*cking lots of scammers out there, even among fans 

5. There are a lot of fans who scam others through tributes too. 
If mass voting teams scam their fans, this can impact the idols' career too..
They're not fans, they're antis

6. But why do we even have mass voting teams? Can't the fans just stream by themselves? Isn't this a win-win?

7. They got 100Kwon for digital streaming, who are they trying to fool?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Wow

8. Wow seriously they're scammers. They need to get dealt with criminally 

9. Wow this is too much, the fans must be frustratedㅠㅠ

10. Even with a newly built mass voting team, do they think it makes sense that they only received 7 points digitally??


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