Today is my birthday and I am a senior in high school.
When I did my application for early admissions, I had a lot of friction with my dad, in the end, because of my grades, he drank at dawn and cursed at me.
Last time too, I overheard a bit of his conversation talking on the phone with my mom, and he said "Her face isn't even pretty.." and she cursed me again. He's doing that while in front of me, he tries to not make it obvious that he cursed behind my back and pretends that everything is fine, I was disgusted and I got so much goosebumps.
Ever since a long time ago, he always said he hated to hear my voice, he hated to hear my laughter... I think you hated my very existence.
But a while ago, thinking that I was asleep, he said in the living room "I'm going to kill you. I wish I could kill you..." I'm miserable. My dad who was supposed to congratulate me for being born on my birthday didn't even know it was my birthday, told me he wished he killed me and excitedly cursed at me to my mom... I'm feeling like I'm such an unnecessary human that I don't even deserve to eat seaweed soup (t/n: Koreans eat seaweed soup, usually made by their parents, during their birthday), I just want to go to the living room right now and grab the knife. I'd tell him "just kill me".
At least if I became a ghost, I can torment him. There were a lot of really miserable moments for me, but I can't stand being intimidated because of financial issues and I can't stand being rejected for existing. Why was I born..? My dad only loves my dongsaeng and I shouldn't have been born.
post response:
original post: here
1. [+177, -0]
Baby happy
birthday~~ Thank you for being born, thank you for enduring so well, you must be taking your entrance exam right now, don't be stressed, I wish you can pass the exam successfully and go to the university that you want. All you can do now is study harder and become independent, rather than being dead like your dad said. You know how to take care of yourself and your value the best.
2. [+112, -15]
Happy birthday. This is an important exam, so just ignore your dad and I wish you succeed in the exam. Go to the university, find a part-time job and earn money to do surgery. Just ignore your dad. He's not someone who will live your life for you, fighting
3. [+108, -2]
First, ignore your dad, he's wasting his curse, and just focus on your entrance exam. Please have a good exam. I support you
4. [+29, -1]
Why did you hold back telling him "I look like you hannam f*cker, that's why my face looks pulverized like that"
5. [+23, -0]
Let's build the power to live independently and throw him away!! Dads like him aren't dads... OP you didn't do anything wrong and you're a previous human!!! You're young to~! There are so many good things waiting for you in the future. Happy birthday~~~~!! Eat well and fighting!
6. [+21, -0]
Happy birthday happy birthday~~^^ You're probably already done taking your exam now, but I hope you did well. Please spend a happy day
7. [+17, -0]
I can't understand judging your own kid's visuals. It's not like picking some hookers at the bar, it's your own kid and you judge their faces? .. There are so many sh*tty parents.