


One member of Kep1er, a girl group which will debut under Mnet's Girls Planet999, is currently in a controversial position where she is receiving mockery from the fandom.

Recently on Twitter, fans opened Space after the last broadcast where the debut group of 'Girls Planet' was decided and talked about the debut group. 

However, they constantly criticized Hue Ning Bahiyyih on Space. 
Some said, "What is even the position of Hue Ning Bahiyyih? She can't do anything," "Her position is the one who gets sworn at" "I think I would be very happy if there were rumors of bullying arising later" "Even if she gets bullied, isn't it cheap? (t/n: meaning it's a weak treatment)"

original post: here

1. Is this worth an article...?

2. There's even articles about this issue nowㅋㅋㅋ

3. These people are so mean 

4. They didn't even debut and there are minors in the group too, I don't understand why there are so many trolls with them already, don't they feel embarrassed? 

5. This fandom is so weird. Don't they know that the more they try to exclude her, the more bad press they'll get and the least opportunity the group will have?...

6. No but this was just a Space opened for a few akgaes, how much influence do you think it will actually have?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. I bet she'll get even more hurt seeing the article about her

8. Why do they hate her? 

9. The fandom is a bunch of r*tards

10. They seem to rejoice over a minor getting bullied. Do they not know that by doing that they're also ruining the careers of her unnies? 


There's no other way than appearing on Girls Planet999
She's from PlayM, do you really think she can debut under an innocent concept? Otherwise do you think she can join Weeekly? 
She doesn't have the visuals that can easily blend with girl groups in Korea, and she became the I-fans pick by being Huedong (Hue Ning Kai's dongsaeng), there's no other way for her to debut aside from becoming the global pic and receiving votes likethat
Hue Ning Kai even mentioned her himself on his broadcast and he even took a screenshot of Girls Planet's show, I think he was wrong for doing so. 
The I-roaches will obviously vote for her like that
I don't think that her fate is to be in a girl group, but it just feels like she wanted to follow her oppa and like that, she ruined the opportunity for someone else. Good job Huedong-ah

post response:
original post: here

1. [+226, -14]
Her visuals are not it, and she still needs to work on her skills too... She wouldn't receive this much hate if she was at least talentedㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+209, -9]
If Hue Ning Bayihhiy didn't have a celebrity in her family, do you really think she'd have all this influence?

3. [+156. -9]
This is seriously the truth 

4. [+82, -5]
Seriously there's no other way for her. She used her oppa to debut 

5. [+71, -3]
But do you think she doesn't know herself? It's not like she's cut off from the rest of the world like I-land, so she probably read the news as the show went on and saw that people were saying she's debuting thanks to her oppa


Taehyun : TXT oppas are supporting you

"Please love Hue Ning Bahiyyih a lot <3<3"
"Please vote for her tooㅎ"
"Over here~"

post response:
original post: here

1. [+260, -11]
If this is problematic, then all the other kids who made post supporting the other trainees are too

2. [+211, -9]
You guys didn't even flinch when this happened during Produce, but you're blowing things out of proportions when it's Girls Planet, what's the issue? 

3. [+101, -32]
Korea is way too sensitive about fairness. Looks like Bayihhiy will debut with the image of being there with her oppa's healp 

4. [+92, -3]
When you look at Produce, the trainees' agencies were the ones who were supporting them and telling us to vote for them, so many people have done it. However, the influence wasn't that big. Compared to Girls Planet's Hue Ning Bayihhiy's situation... Just imagine how much more impact someone like Hue Ning Kai mentioning it could influence the results especially for a program that's as unpopular as Girls Planet.. 

5. [+86, -5]
I'm seriously not trying to drag him (I was a Wanna One fan) but even Ha Sungwoon had BTS Jimin and EXO Kai supporting him.. 

"#Kep1er_TCS (T/N: 트친소/TCS = Looking for Twitter friends, Korean accounts usually use this tag for new groups to find Twitter friends)
Kim Chaehyun is my bias
landmine (T/N: 지뢰 means landmine and can be used to describe someone you hate) don't come
Supporting OT8"

Come only if you're supporting OT8
I like Shen Xiaoting, Kim Chaehyun and Kang Yeseo"

I'm supporting OT8~<3
Yoojin and Chaehyun are my biases
Aside from that person, I love all members~<3"

"#Kep1er_TCS #KimChaehyun
Supporting OT8
Looking for besties~~;)"

Supporting OT8. Kim Chaehyun is my bias.... To celebrate Chaehyunie's debut, I'll be sending a cute bunny pouch that looks like Chaehyunie! You need to follow me..."

Dayeonie is my bias and Chaehyun is my 2nd bias. Only for people who support OT8
I treasure all 8 members"

My bias is Shin Sojung and my 2nd biases are Kim Dayeon and Kim Chaehyun
I watched her quietly from ep.1 and today I fell for her looks so I made an account
Supporting OT8
Looking for people who can chat with me"

I like Xiaoting and Chaehyun a lot and I intensely support OT8 <3"

Only come if you support OT8.... I can't welcome #2... (T/N: Hue Ning Bahiyyih ranked 2nd)
My biases are Mashiro and Shim Sojung, My 2nd biases are Kim Chaehyun and Hikaru."

(T/n: we'll skip the remaining ss because they are all pretty much saying the same thing)

Evil-net made a girl group named Kep1er through a survival show 
And everyone is supporting OT8
All the pictures above are supporting OT8

The 2nd ranked is a girl called Hue Ning Bahiyyih and she's Hue Ning Kai's little sister
Hue Ning Kai mentioned her once 
As for Bahiyyih, she also talked about her brother once when the PDs asked her about him
And the wave just got bigger and the foreign fans just stuck to her like crazy
The people who watched Girls Planet would know but she didn't do very well in any mission whether it comes to the killing parts or being the main vocal, etc.
For a kid who almost just stood there, she even was a runner up for #1 once
But she ended up top 2 in the end so people started to f*cking curse at her
(+ It depends on your preferences but she's also getting hate because of her looks)

To be honest, I wanted Yurina to make it but her and her family must be so heart broken seeing what's happening to her

post response:
original post: here

1. [+170, -5]
Supporting OTn in a group that hasn't even debuted will rather hurt the group even more thoughㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+151, -11]
You claim that her and her family will be so sad because of this but you're even more of a psycho for writing this post to start with ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+150, -15]
90% of this is because of her looks

4. [+81, -4]
I get that they don't like Hue Ning Bahiyyih but do you have to make it so obvious on Twitter where all the members can easily look this up?ㅋㅋ I've never seen a group where people were so openly hating on a member while supporting OTn

5. [+81, -20]
But aren't you being too much on a young girl just because of her looks? Saying how you like everyone else aside from one member... Saying how you can't accept #2... You guys sound like psychos


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