1. I thought that people were exaggerating but after listening to them, they really can't sing
2. They were off tune. Looks like you can be a singer as long as you sing with your throat
3. I just want this to end...
4. They were so off tune;;; is the original song like this???
5. No but there are comments saying that the tune was lower in the original song and I went to listen to it and.... it just seems like they can't sing?ㅜㅜㅜ This is seriously severe. They are not even dancing and are just singing while standing. At the minimum, they should be able to pull off their own songs. It's not like we're asking them to show us transcending skills and these
are just the fundamentals... you guys are not dancers but singers no?....
6. I went to listen to the original song and the song itself sounded a bit weird? It sounded so machine-made? I'm surprised that they even sold 600K albums
7. What the... this is way too severe;;;
8. I don't know the song but I can tell that they were off tune.... they weren't even singing on the same key among themselves...
9. You don't need to know the song to know that they were off key... there's not one member who did well
10. I get that as long as you have popularity, it's fine but this is just not it...... I hope they get more training
11. I thought that people were making a fuss again but this is severe
12. I heard the middle schoolers next to my house singing like that.......ㅠ
13. Ah... at least be on key... this is too severe
14. Practice a bit
15. What is this.... I bet that fans will like it anyways so..
16. They were off key the whole time. I'm not even sure what the song is supposed to sound like...