어른이 됩시다...
— gg (@gwglll) October 19, 2021
모니카 언니 명언 또 만드셨어 pic.twitter.com/fcj7SKqd6L
"Let's become adults...
Monika unnie said another legendary comment
Monika: I said that to the kids. I'm fine with everything but as long as they don't call us childish. I told them that taking responsibility no matter the results and baring the weight is being an adult. So let's live this moment. Today, the goal of our team is to live through this moment no matter the results. Let's become adults!"
가슴이 박박 찢겨... 프라우드먼 수고했어 pic.twitter.com/yqZlECDAFG
— gg (@gwglll) October 19, 2021
" My heart is torn apart... Prowdmon, you guys worked hard
Monika: I'm not going home today. I'm just returning to where I was. I'm going back to my students, I'm going back to my work and I'll live to repay the people who made me who I am today"
original post: here
1. Of course they have to acknowledge it if they get eliminated but Mnet was so vicious with this. It feels like it just turned out the way they wanted it and it makes me so furious
2. I don't care if they win or lose in an elimination battle but I wanted to see them perform one last time. Mnet, you f*ckers ㅜㅜㅜ
3. F*ck Mnet
4. I thought that they would for sure be the final winners... Mnet is so unfair
5. I don't even have any reason to watch SWF anymore ㅎㅎ
6. I don't think I'll be able to watch the show anymore ㅠㅠ I'm giving up ㅠㅠ
7. Not watching SWF anymore
8. They were a crew made for battle and it pisses me off that they didn't even battle
9. No but nobody would've said anything if they just got eliminated fair and square but ever since 2 episodes ago, you could see Mnet's intentions so clearly and you could see that they were treating Prowdmon like sh*t. Anyone who watches the show could tell right?ㅋㅋㅋ
10. Prowdmon, I love you
11. This is f*cking ridiculous. If they were gonna be this unfair, why even have eliminations? At least, eliminate them fairly
12. Wow I didn't even get to see LipJ battle one last time
The final 4 teams going to the finale are
Up until now, all the eliminated teams had a goodbye video

The final 4 teams going to the finale are
1. Lachica, you guys did well ㅠㅠ
2. The two teams that I thought were gonna win got eliminated in one go ㅠㅠ
3. I thought that these two would win... what a shame... even so, fighting to all the teams, I like them all!!
4. I was sure that these two teams would make it to the finale...
5. Prowdmon didn't even get a battle... they should've had one
6. Lachica did so well in this battle this time... It's a shame that Prowdmon didn't get to battle ㅠㅠ
7. Seriously, they are trying so hard to go with the PD's pick.
8. I lost all my reasons to watch the finale
9. I personally thought that one of the two would win...
10. Not watching SWF anymore...
11. Just why!???? I'm not watching this anymore. Boring
12. Lachica🥰🥰🥰
13. YGX were my pick ㅠㅠ what a shame... you suffered ㅠㅠ
14. YGX got so much hate and suffered. You guys were the best from the start
15. All of my favorite teams got eliminated today ㅠㅠ even so, congrats for escaping Mnet. You guys are the real winners

YGX had theirs today but not Prowdmon...
original post: here
1. You're right if I think about it... this is seriously too much
2. They are being f*cking obvious
3. Why do they try so many times to not show Prowdmon?
4. F*cking annoying~~~~
5. Seriously, f*ck Mnet until the end ^^
6. Me too I was wondering why they didn't appear? It's ok if they missed it once or twice but this makes them suspicious
7. Why do they keep treating Prowdmon like sh*t?
8. Seriously f*cked...
9. I felt this way about their screen time too... I'm not a fan of Prowdmon but today was way too severe...
10. Seriously, it's f*cking ridiculous how they just erased their existenceㅋㅋㅋㅋ they only showed a leader's interview and didn't even give them a battleㅋㅋㅋ