Rihey: They always put us last, f*ck
Zsun: They keep attacking us. Right? Ever since ep. 1
Rihey: (Reciting) YGX: Will they be able to suit others' different performance genres?
Male dancer: The people with the least genre is saying such thingsㅋㅋ the people with the most obvious styleㅋㅋ
Zsun: I'm sorry but they did the worst in the mega crew performance but are talking the most? Usually, kids with no skills are the ones talking the most no? They don't know. So they didn't make it well. They should've practiced more instead of getting their hair done.
post response:
original post: here
1. [+693, -53]
Can't you see that if you switched the position and that YGX said "they should've practiced more instead of getting their tan", every community
website would've hated on them? I find it funny that you guys are being understanding towards them saying that they are kids who speak harshly but have a soft inside. Following your logic, then everyone on SWF curses and probably want to say such things too but they are all holding in
2. [+590, -107]
Huh? They just received their ranking so they also picked another crew as #6 so they shouldn't be saying "F*ck", calling others' choreographies obvious or tell others to practice or whatnot... You can see right away why Coca never saw the light
3. [+581, -54]
Zsun's comment was indeed a bit meh. I really don't think that it's right for her to tear down other people's effort
4. [+416, -18]
At some point, Coca started to have this soft tofu image so everyone started to be understanding towards them. Monika is still being dragged so f*cking much for her power trip wording when she said "you guys can't win over us". But every time Coca says something harsh, people go "their appearances are strong but they are sensitive unnies ㅠㅠ"
5. [+368, -30]
Coca weren't synced at all thoughㅋㅋㅋ shouldn't they be the ones practicing? They are the ones who always go with the same obvious moves like spreading their legs, shaking their butts or kicking. To be honest, the most obvious crew is Coca..ㅋㅋㅋ even their male dancer, when he called himself their boyfriend, sigh... birds of a featherㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+320, -11]
When I saw them with their male dancers together on yesterday's episode, they really looked like a group of iljins