Let's go for 0% birth rateㅋㅋ..

"Feminism OUT!
If there's a pregnant woman, we should just get out of the way no?
But I want to yield to the elderly and disabled?
Should we be forcefully considerate?
Should I even be forced to be told for whom I should be considerate for?
Now, all citizens know that this is actually a feminist seat that fuels the gender conflict by making <women-only seats>!
Democratic Femi-Party, are you out of your minds?"
style="color: red;">post response:
original post: here
1. [+411, -4]
The fact that they are acting like that towards pregnant women is funny because why would they act like that to people who got married to a man and who are living just fine?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ are they r*tarded?
2. [+352, -5]
But it makes me wanna barf thinking about why you would even make and stick such sticker
3. [+299, -4]
They are so devoided of logic that they don't know that the "conceptual girls" they are talking about are actually turning into femis too (T/N: "conceptual girls" = girls with common sense but used in a sexist way) ㅋㅋ as expected, they are femi-making-machines
4. [+135, 0]
Pregnant women used to sit at elderlies' seats but didn't they make pregnant women seats because people were complaining about 'young women" sitting at the elderlies' seats? I seriously want to smack them
5. [+131, 0]
Shouldn't Hannams support pregnant women?? They keep complaining about the low birth rates but are also complaining about pregnant women who are helping raising the birth rates