

"I don't even feel proud from the rest of the first episode because I suffered so freaking much. 
This is my first production work that left me with nothing but pain. 
It's broadcasting now. 

Every Tuesday at 10PM on Lifetime chanel"

post response: 
original post: here

1. [+178, -8]
The PD corrected his caption, he also shared conversations with fans in the comments and pinned it. (The red part is the PD's comments) They mention that they were lovely sisters. The PD was sick at the time of the shooting, so he thought that it would be problematic with the editor, not with the sisters. I hope the people who don't know what happened and are leaving nonsense in the comments delete them~

A: I heard you had a lot of schedule at that time and you were sick. But still leaving something like that regarding the first episode can make it seem iffy for the 2 people
PD: It was totally not like that, they were such lovely sisters, I was only speaking from my lacking skills and the issue with production :) However, how did you know that I was sick during the shooting? 
A: I think that I saw PDnim leaving a comment about it somewhere else. I just left my comment in case other people misunderstand what PDnim wanted to say. There are a lot of weird people around
PD: I hope the fans don't misunderstand my post. The dissatisfaction that I had was towards the editor. It was like that onsite too, until the broadcast came out, it was an issue that took a long time (to resolve). If possible, please watch this enjoyably and realize the staff's hard work 
PD: I saw a lot of people asking questions, but you came as a representative for the fans. Thank you for thinking about this

2. [+154, -104]
SM specialty) The ones with trash personalities act like ice princesses and all chic. And the fans buy it 

3. [+146, -13]
I'm not being sarcastic, but do you really think the staff would just post stuff like that? Just how hard it must've been 

4. [+93, -0]
They had 2 weeks to visit 8 cities in the States. They also had to arrive in NY after 20 hours flight. But the director caught a flu as soon as they arrived. At that time, they got so sick that there were posts about how hard his flu was hitting him for an entire week and it's still on his IG. That means that for half of the schedule, he was sick like that. The issue with the editor is that they filmed everything in 2019, but they couldn't broadcast it for 2 years. They're talking about how much they suffered yet it was almost not broadcasted. Don't you think they're happy that it's finally seeing the light after 2 years??

5. [+61, -23]
ㅋㅋㅋ  The sisters are here for healing and the staff is there to sufferㅋㅋㅋ 


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