I'm gonna say this once more, if you're gonna write hate comments on Karina, go back
Am I the only one who's seen these only now?? She's freaking pretty. Are they coming back?
3. [+95, -68]
4. [+68, -44]
6. [+39, -14]
7. [+35, -16]

Ending with Karina's past pictures
post response:
original post: here
2. [+120, -74]
1. [+165, -61]
Do the kids claiming that she's a traditional beauty have no shame?

2. [+120, -74]
Wow but seeing how she survived a zoomed-in picture taken with the rear phone camera makes me realize that a celebrity is a celebrity after all ㅋㅋㅋ
A celebrity is a celebrity...

4. [+68, -44]
Even with this crappy quality, her facial features are the top....
5. [+41, -6]

6. [+39, -14]
But who writes this kind of posts? Just reading the title, you can tell that it was written by a company workerㅋㅋ should've made this business post less obvious;
7. [+35, -16]
When I saw this picture, it made me realize that she was a celebrity after all

8. [+35, -15]
Our Karina-nim
