Overseas fandoms raised money for Hue Ning Bahiyyih and purchased hundreds to thousands of Sim cards(?) illegally. The original principle for voting is one vote per person. SEA are now exploiting the fact they have cheap Sim cards. The voting period was 2 weeks, so assuming they only bought 1000 Sim cards, x14 days = 14,000 votes.
Overseas fandoms raised money for Hue Ning Bahiyyih and purchased hundreds to thousands of Sim cards(?) illegally. The original principle for voting is one vote per person. SEA are now exploiting the fact they have cheap Sim cards. The voting period was 2 weeks, so assuming they only bought 1000 Sim cards, x14 days = 14,000 votes.
Huening Bahiyyih's fandom doesn't even show any signs of remorse, they're comitting sajaegi with their votes.

Thank you enjoy GLOBE
Team Bahiyyih PH was able to rest after the endless voting for the Bahiyyih that we love. Let's support our girl until the end!

"People who are shocked in the quotes, I feel like you've never dedicated hard work towards your fandom. We're voting for real, and we're not wasting our time hating on other trainees''
post response:
style="clear: both; text-align: center;">original post: here
1. [+272, -69]
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Seriously all thanks to her oppa, she's able to be all cheerful and it disgusts me. She's so so. Seriously if she debuts, they will achieve the worst first weeks sales among all Produce groups and even the viewers ratings are bad ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2. [+227, -6]
This should become a bigger issue. This is getting rigged like Idol School and Produce
3. [+153, -0]
They're asking for fairness yet they're not going to take action against this??
4. [+100, -11]
I won't stan them whether she debuts or not anyways
5. [+73, -4]
ㄷㄷ She's a goddess to SEA? ㅋㅋ
6. [+55, -4]
It's not about "What are Hue Ning Bahiyyih's fans doing" but rather "What is Hue Ning Bahiyyih doing? I 've always hated her since the beginning". Just what did she even do to you guys?
7. [+52, -0]
Why are people mentioning I-land here? So it's okay to do it here if they've done it on I-land?
8. [+47, -8]
Voting like that is seriously wrong, but Hue Ning Bahiyyih didn't do anything wrong. How does she control the fact that she was born as her oppa's dongsaeng?