1. [+183, -16]
4. [+113, -5]
original post: here
1. [+183, -16]
The pictures themselves are irrefutable already? You'd think that the pictures she send to the fans are surely different ones, but the fact that she's wearing a beanie and is holding the teddy bear, and it's on the same day feels like it's indeed Karina
2. [+131, -10]
Bubble names

"Hyunjinie <3" "Jiminie <3"
3. [+123, -25]
They posted sun flowers on the same day

4. [+113, -5]
Aigo... Of all the posts that were released on PANN about dating proofs, this is seriously daebak...
5. [+46, -2]
Why is there something new about them every week? Kids please at least give us one week of rest. Are they really rookies?
6. [+42, -10]
July tweet: Karina's way of talking on Bubble reminds me a bit of Hyunjin