Currently, I'm in my 1st year of high school
I've only been to co-ed schools since I was born.
The last confession I received was in my 1st year of middle school.
For real, what is the issue here? I wash myself well and I'm a Mona Lisa(?), I draw in my eyebrows and wear lip tint too.
But I'm a motae solo.. f*ck, what's wrong with me? I've also never spoken to any boy after my 1st year of middle school;;;
And seeing how I became class president this time, I don't think that my personality is the issue either
What is it..? Is there anyone like them??...
post response:
original post: here
1. [+254, -18]
Isn't the fact that you wash yourself and do makeup the point here?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ instead, things like laughing a lot when people talk to you or being enthusiastic are way more important.. It's not like you were remarkably pretty either so if you don't do anything, of course boys will never approach youㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2. [+253, -33]
Most of the Pann-girls here are putting up a wall against boys. Stay strong
3. [+246, -1]
There are also kids who are not even ugly and have ok personalities but never make contact with boys
4. [+176, -9]
Ah seriously, I hate the fact that people always think that something's wrong with motae solos. What's wrong with being a motae solo? It's just that you never had an opportunity. If you don't have an opportunity, then you just don't have it. If you do, then you would've ended up in a relationship. I hope that people stop thinking that there's anything wrong with motae solos;
5. [+133, -135]
What would you even do meeting with Hannams?
6. [+86, -5]
I don't have any interest in boysㅋㅋㅋ My interests are money and my future only