They sold 1.44M in one day, Bangtan is seriously daebak they're definitely in their career high (커하 = Keo-Ha = Career high, describing's someone being in their prime time)

4. [+4, -0]
post response:
original post: here
1. [+36, -0]
What's funny is that this album isn't even a comeback albumㅋㅋㅋ
2. [+25, -0]
They've probably surpassed 1.6M now
3. [+12, -0]
Yesterday, they sold 1.7M

4. [+4, -0]
No but I ordered it 8 minutes in, why is it still loading?
5. [+3, -0]
They have 2 b-side tracksㅋㅋㅋ ㅋ And one of them is Butterㅋㅋ