

He said that the veins on his hands stand out in a way that's too disgusting

When he needs to grab another actor's hand when filming, he feels very sorry

So he must wear hand cream every time he films scenes where he holds someone else's hand

original post: here

1. Seungho is an IV-feast. Nurses must love him ㅋ

2. .... Seungho-yah... that's not it... nuna, no... aunty is sorry

3. No but... his hands are totally manly?.... They look cool so why..?

4. I see... that's only a complex for him...

5. Looks like he's the only one who doesn't like them ^^*

6. 10/10

7. Nop that's not it, go back

8. Sigh... why is my heart beating so fast

9. Seungho-yah, that's your charm...

10. No but since when have Seungho's arms gotten so... big,,!

11. That's a good thing though....

12. Either his hands are big or his face is small... or both?... Gasp

13. I thought that he was gonna say his height... this is his charming point though ㅠ

14. That's right, it's possible that this is his complexㅎㅎ yah, why is my heart acting up late at night? ㅎㅎ

15. That's your charm. Girls go crazy for this kind of hands


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