



"I clearly remember what happened that day. It was the day we performed “Tinkerbell” on “The Show.” While we were waiting, there were kimbap and foods from fans in the car. Perhaps it was because of the smell, but Hyunjoo frowned as soon as she came in and sprayed perfume in the enclosed space. It even reached Jinsol and Yena who were in the back. Everyone asked her to stop because it was giving us a headache, but she raised her voice by saying aggressive things to all the members. I always comforted Hyunjoo who was having a hard time and took care of her, but I was worried that the fans might be outside the car, so I told her, “Hyunjoo, please lower your voice. What if they hear you outside?” Up until then, I always said positive things about Hyunjoo no matter what she did and encouraged her, so I clearly remember this was the first time I told her to stop. However, she got annoyed with me and reacted with extreme irritation. Hyunjoo and I got along really well, and I thought we were really close. She always thanked me for being by her side, so I was a little surprised that she got annoyed with me. "

The dates where Hyunjoo appeared on Show Champion during Tinkerbell's promotion was May 3rd 2016 and May 10th 2016

This is her dongsaeng's post

(Everything happened on May 10th) 
"On that same day, someone left rotten kimbap in [the group's] car's seat, she had to clean it up and spray perfume in it because of the bad smell and the members who came in the car later with the manager all started complaining about the smell, got angry and swore at her. 

After experiencing all these overwhelming things, my nuna couldn't bear with it anymore so she tried to commit suicide." (on the night of the 10th, she attempted suicide --> on the 11th, she was in the emergency room) 

(showing she attempted suicide through drug intoxication at 23:38pm of May 10th) 

original post :here

1. First of all, Hyunjoo didn't even eat that kimbap yet they threw it on Hyunjoo's seat. If I were Hyunjoo, I would've been mad only for that already, and it must've stank so much. If you've leaved in dorms you'd know how annoying and disgusting this is... TO be honest, if they didn't get along on top of that, Hyunjoo must've been even more annoyed

2. Goosebumps..

3. She's so mean

4. Wow these people look evil 

5. This kid is the most evil one of them all 

6. Ah this is getting so annoying, Hyunjoo please be happyㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

7. Hul seeing the actual timeline makes me so sad

8. She's trash 

9. Sigh just how hard was she having it that she even contemplated suicide at such a young age?

10. That kimbap incident was true. Look at her trying to explain this issue in a friendly mannerㅋㅋ


"So many people are suffering from unfairness because she’s spreading things that aren’t true, but when I see her YouTube and Instagram activities, she seems happy these day. I’d like her to undo the damage now. I’ve had enough of this, and I want her to know that the popularity and attention gained in this wrong way can never last forever. The truth will be revealed."

She thinks that everything Hyunjoo did was for popularity... 

original post: here

1. Showing her true personality through the pst

2. Her inferiority complex is strong 

3. Wow she even went to look at Hyunjoo's Youtubeㅎㅎㅎ  She's too invested in this 

4. Wow F*ck this is how her personality is showing 

5. ??? A celebrity survives thanks to their image, who would go and show that they've attempted suicide to gain popularity? What is she talking about? 

6. I bet she didn't even calculate the fact that her personality might show through this. She's a true devil. She still doesn't know what wrong she did, this is giving me goosebumps

7. Who would expose bullying to gain popularity? The way she thinks is just wrong. Do you think she'll be happy from gaining popularity with exposing the bullying? tsk tsk If she has any shame, she should terminate her own contract

8. Thanks for letting us know that Hyunjoo has a Youtube channel 

9. Textbook gaslighting 

10. Goosebumps........ Do they not want her to be happy at all?


"Tuesday, August 25, 2015. As usual, we were going to the hair and makeup shop for our “Music Bank” appearance on Friday, but we found out that Hyunjoo suddenly disappeared. "

She claims that she remembers that day clearly 

But there was even a video of them going to work together?

She then changed the date on the statement to September 11th. 

(wrote September 11th instead of August 25th)


You can clearly see on their official Twitter than Hyunjoo is there on September 11th too
She needs to cut it down if she has any shameㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
But seems like she has none of thatㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

original post: here

1. Goosebumps over how she sneakily changed the date

2. Every time they release a statement, it makes me want to cheer on Hyunjoo more

3. From bully-dols to fabrication-dols

4. Cut it downㅋㅋㅋㅋ This is so f*cking low 

5. She can't control that personality of hers

6. So she only remembers when she feels wronged? That's too much 

7. April's words are changing everyday 

8. How can they be this dumb? 

9. A b*tch until the end

10. The fact that she claims that Hyunjoo visited the hair makeup store by herself is laughable. Do you not think that the staff working there would've noticed something strange and raised the issue themselves? 


'I'll let you know the other details you were curious about'

Concerning the statement that I wrote, I think there were a lot of questions that were raised. 
I'm able to answer every question you have, so if there are parts you don't understand, please let me know!

I've already spoken about the parts that were raising suspicions but after the music show's dry rehearsal and camera rehearsal, we are given some time in the waiting room because the live broadcast. We can spend over 1 hour waiting. 
I was referring to the dry rehearsal and the camera rehearsal when I mentioned that Hyunjoo wasn't showing up and we had to perform as 5 people. I think everyone is aware that it doesn't take an eternity to take a selca (t/n: selca found in post above)

Moreover, I'm not talking about the Music Bank selca, but I'll talk about the waiting room picture we took on September 11th of 2015 at Simply KPOP, it's possible that nobody knows how it works. You have to pre-record every Monday, every other week, which is Twice a month for Simply KPOP. 
That picture was a picture that was already taken on Monday. 

After some months of debate, I'm here to let all the fans know about the real facts of what happened at that time and the torment that we've felt, through this statement. 
I'm not gonna hold back any words anymore and I'm going to come forward with everything, If you're still suspicious of something, I will respond right away. 
Thank you

original post: here

1. Since you're coming forward, please explain why you were glaring at Hyunjoo and acting up against her in your videos Chaewon-nim~~~~~

2. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ No but she thinks it's all over because she claims she never tormented her? her "I believe in what I think is right" attitude is no different than Soojin's 

3. She doesn't seems sorry one bit, if she was, she would've acknowledged everything already 

4. Why is Hyunjoo always hanging out alone everyday then? If you're going to come forward with everything, let us know~~

5. There's clearly someone lying there.. No but is everyone twisting their own memories as they please?

6. But didn't she attempt suicide during the Tinkerbell promotion? If she was diagnosed with severe depression, then she has the right to not show up at work or be late at work due to it affecting her social life...

7. Is the company aware that she's writing all this in her fan cafe? If I were the company there would've been no way I let her do it if she consulted me before posting this 

8. Stop rationalizing bullying 

9. Can she hire a lawyer? If this was typed by a lawyer, I would've fired them ㅋㅋㅋ

10. If she was a member of April and they were actually talking to each other, wouldn't they know why she's skipping all those practices and tried to resolve this on their own? This is what I don't understand. I don't understand why they just neglected Hyunjoo skipping all the practices and also just let her handle her own issues. I don't think that the members were acting kind by doing that? Think about this, if you really treasured your members and you see they're about to give up on everything, wouldn't you try to talk with them instead of writing a post like that that could hurt her even more?


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