


Based on a popular webtoon, “My Roommate Is Gumiho” is a new romantic comedy about a 22-year-old college student named Lee Dam (played by Girl’s Day’s Hyeri), who accidentally swallows the marble of a 999-year-old male gumiho (a mythological nine-tailed fox) named Shin Woo Yeo (played by Jang Ki Yong), who was close to achieving his goal of becoming human.

Cr. Soompi

(more pictures in original post)

original post: here

1. The webtoon suits Hyeri perfectly 

2. Why would I watch a Chinese drama? 

3. ㅋㄱㄱㅋㅋ If you watch it as a foreigner, it's basically a Chinese drama

4. Wow but is this the best they can do with the acting?

5. Hyeri is just Deokseon

6. It was so f*cking fun 

7. Yup not watching

8. I can't understand anything the male lead is saying 

9. Both of their acting is... 

10. If you're curious about the content, just read the webtoon.... Since the original author is Korean

12. What's up with Hyeri and Jang Kiyong's acting... Both sucks
Anyways, this is a Chinese drama, so it so so too 
iQIYI are the ones who are producing it, since when are they producing Korean dramasㅠㅠ

13. It's my first time seeing this guy act and it was a mess...

14. What's up with Jang Kiyong's acting... Kang Hana is acting alone here

15. The male lead's foot acting was so bad that it made me change channel... Jang Kiyong's acting in Search:WWW was so cringey that I thought it was maybe who his character was, but he actually speaks like that in real lifeㅋㅋ

16. What's up with the acting... It's disgustingly badㅋㅋㅋㅋ

17. Hyeri = Deokseon, Jang Kiyong = Choi Joon. Kang Hana is the only one acting here

18. Jang Kiyong is f*cking handsome 

19. F*cking pretty and f*cking handsome 

20. I didn't have any expectations but it was funㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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