2. I'm finally debuting
3. Hello, I'm debuting
4. Just looks like one of their many means to earn more money...
5. It really doesn't feel like a group ㅋㅋㅋ
6. It looks like goods
7. It just doesn't feel like a boy group's name and they only debuted Aespa, let's wait to see if it's indeed a new group
8. I think it's the female version of Super M
9. I don't think it's a group name since we already have Black Pink
10. But this abbreviated, we're gonna have PingBeul? BeulPing (BP) and PingBeul?
11. Pink Blood? That's definitely a girl group's name... But I thought they were launching a new boy group???? Or is this Aespa's AI group promotion?
12. But if they're called Pink Blood, we're gonna have to call them PingBeul? BeulPing, Ping Beul
13. Looks like goods
14. Is that Aespa's fandom name?
15. I don't think it's a debut. They're busy pushing Aespa now. It would be so eba to debut another one