Introducing the New American Classic
— GapKids Japan (@GapKids_JP) May 10, 2021
Gap Summer21キャンペーンに笑福亭鶴瓶さん、SHIHOさん&SARANGちゃん、kemioさん、畠山千明さんの4組が登場!
@shofukuteitsurube @shiho_style @choosarang_official @mmkemio @hatakeyama_chiaki
https://t.co/lo4hFt9yxW pic.twitter.com/AyrZBjWWDB
Introducing the New American Classic
— GapKids Japan (@GapKids_JP) May 10, 2021
Gap Summer21キャンペーンに笑福亭鶴瓶さん、SHIHOさん&SARANGちゃん、kemioさん、畠山千明さんの4組が登場!
@shofukuteitsurube @shiho_style @choosarang_official @mmkemio @hatakeyama_chiaki
https://t.co/lo4hFt9yxW pic.twitter.com/M05O4JWOB4

original post: here
1. Baby grew up so much ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ she grew up well ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ she's so tall and her expressions are good too. She has talent
2. Wow I'm getting goosebumps... time flew. She was seriously a baby back then ㅠㅠ baby grew up prettily and wellㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
3. Sarang grew up well~~~
4. Sarang-chan is already in 4th grade? She grew up so much ㅠㅠ
5. Wow Sarangie's arms and legs are so long. Did Sarang's cousin Yume grow up well too?
6. She still looks the same as when she was baby. She just has longer limbs... interesting
7. Her legs are so long
8. Pretty Sarang!
9. Her limbs are so refreshing
10. Do you still like grapes Sarang-chan?
11. Sarang is all grown up ㅜㅜ