The video below was released by the website below
original post: here
It happened at 5:30AM on that day before meeting with Jungmin goon's father
In his hand = Jungmin's phone

1. This is so weird, his friend isn't there anymore and his own phone also disappeared, meanwhile he didn't think of calling anyone
He's walking while starring at the phone and we know that Jungmin's mother has been trying to call on her son's phone, yet he never answered once.
There are so many weird things
2. They've called the phone so many times, why isn't he picking up.... And didn't he claim he wore sneakers, but he's wearing slippers here?
3. He's starring at Jungmin's phone the whole time when walking here but refused to give it to his dad when he saw him. Goosebumpsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
4. Huh... That's what you call being drunk??
5. Everyone on DC is calling him a psychopath... Yet Theqoo is the only place that is so divided...?
6. Can anyone even claim with 100% confidence here that the friend doesn't seem off here?
7. What's the issue...? I don't see any problem with this?
8. Why is he looking so calm after his friend disappeared? And why isn't he picking up the phone?
9. He said he didn't realize the phones were swapped, so what is this?
10. But the dad himself said that when he met with the friend, he looked drunk, so can you guys stop fighting already

It is known that a video related to A's shoes worn on the day of the incident was secured. [...]
According to the police on the 7th, the Seocho Police Station in Seoul secured the CCTV footage of A's family throwing away A's shoes. The day before, the police heard from A's father about the reason for discarding his shoes, but said they could not disclose details.
In this regard, A reportedly said, "Whose parents would want to wash old shoes covered with all kinds of dirt and vomit?" (t/n: insinuating he vomited on his shoes)
Son's father, Son Hyun, 50, raised doubts several times, saying it was unclear as to why A's family threw away A's shoes.
When Son asked A about the accident on the 26th, A said, 'Around 2-3 o'clock on that day, [Jungmin] fell down the hill and groaned. My clothes and shoes were dirty while trying to drag him up."

Son's side is strongly questioning the reason for A's family to abandon the shoes, but there is still no known connection between the shoes and Jungmin's death. The whereabouts of the shoes or the specific point of time when the shoes were abandoned were not disclosed.
Meanwhile, the police called a new witness to hear their statement. At the time of the disappearance of Son, the number of witnesses in the vicinity increased by 1, to a total of 7 groups in 5 groups. It is known that some of the statements made by the new witnesses coincide with the statements made by the existing six witnesses.
The police are focusing on reconstructing the situation at the time by analyzing the images of 54 CCTVs in the park and nearby CCTVs at the time of the disappearance of Son Jungmin and the black box of 133 vehicles entering the park.
original post: here
1. [+5,150, -72]
Before you become more of an embarrassment, surrender. Your private information and your dad's hospital has already been revealed. The more you hold back, the worse it'll get. Live like a human
(t/n: netizens went to A's dad's hospital and bombarded it with 1 star reviews)
2. [+2,764, -76]
This shows how extreme opposites these parents can be...A who is raised under ill-natured parents and Jungmin-ssi being raised by good-natured parents..You can tell how the kids will grow up just by looking at the parents. That's why a kid is their parents' mirror
3. [+1,444, -50]
If only he confessed, this case could've been solved so easily... You are making it a family crime by tying up relatives including your parents and uncles who cherish you...
4. [+1,101, -9]
https://youtu.be/BZYkyOl7qEk (t/n: clip shown above) I got goosebumps over the video leaked this morning.. The way he completely changed his clothes.. He basically looks like an average person taking a walk in the morning while looking at their phone. Jungmin's mom tried to call the phone at least 4 times, and he was already aware that the phones were swapped at 5:30AM... This gives me chills. He met Jungmin's dad in one of Han river's tunnels and when asked whether you were Jungmin's friend, you went "yep!" and just walked there leisurely. Your friend disappeared and you're going to face the bereaved father, and the father of your friend and just going to say "yep!" and pass by? This cannot be an accident
5. [+744 ,-32]
Surrender and reveal yourself. It'll be better for A's family if they revealed everything. The more they try to bury it, the bigger the case will become