1. Omo the kids' waists are so tiny...ㄷㄷ they look pretty even with this kind of clothes ㅠㅠ
2. Everyone is so pretty♡ I hope that this situation improves quickly so we can meet each other without masks!!
3. They look like game characters
4. What's up with the outfit...?
5. I thought they were game characters
6. The clothes are so weird. The kids are so refreshing and pretty though ㅜㅜ
7. But is Yeji wearing a wig??
8. I thought that they totally looked like game characters but seems like there are people who don't like their outfits tooㅋㅋㅋ
9. It's a relief that the kids are this pretty
10. They totally give me this vibeㅋㅋㅋㅋ