t/n: report video in original link
Yesterday the police investigated Son Jungmin's friend and father.
Police also secured witness statements about 10 meters from the place where Son and his friend were together.
This is reporter Bang Joon-won's report.
The late Son Jungmin's friend was seen disoriented when going home alone.
This was around 4:30 am.
An hour and twenty minutes later, he was seen in a CCTV footage of Han River Park at around 5:50 am.
Son's friend walks through the park as if looking for someone and meets people who seem to be his parents.
[Son Hyun/Son Jungmin's father/Last month on the 2nd: "His (friend) left (the park) before 4:30AM. An hour passed until the (friend) came back (to Han river). Between those 2 times is the time Jungmin fell into the river. I can't leave this case unsolved.."]
Son's father has been raising doubts.
He argues that it's hard to understand why Son Jungmin's friend was the one holding Son Jungmin's phone, and why he abandoned his shoes after returning home.
The police called Son's friend and his father as reference figures to get an accurate picture of the case.
The friend was investigated for nearly 10 hours.
This is the first time the police have investigated the friend for the purpose of finding out how Son died.
The police also received and analyzed the cell phone of the friend's mother.
It was found that on the day of Son Jungmin's disappearance, at 3:30AM, he used his own phone to call his mom, in the call history.
One more person was found at the scene at the time, and there were now eight witnesses.
There were also witnesses who had seen Son and his friends just 10 meters away, the police said they had secured a statement.
The police is still investigating with all possibilities open.
The results of the NIS autopsy on Son are expected to be released later this week or next week.
This is KBS News, Bang Joon-won.
original post: here

1. [+3,344, -27]
I want to see that justice is still alive in this unfair Korean society
2. [+2,006, -51]
I hope that those aren't fake witness who will turn the victim into a liar
3. [+1,967, -47]
If you type in the search word for 'Son Jungmin boat' on YouTube, a new video will pop up~ I watched it yesterday at dawn. I hope a lot of people will watch it too. Those middle/high schoolers who were seen running refuse to open their mouths, so we need the nation's help. I hope everyone watches the video and spread the word around. There are fewer and fewer Naver articles about it, let's work together so that the ending will be revealed justly~
(t/n: this is the video)
4. [+1,621 ,-26]
Right now, the Blue House petition is being washed out with other articles and even if the petition reached over 400K signatures, it still doesn't appear when you search for it. Right now, we can only reach the petition through Son Jungmin's father's blog. And until now, we still have no answers. Do you think that the politicians are behind this? Even though the entire nation is watching, this friend is still being considered as a witness rather than a suspect? The CCTV of the suspect's house and the black box, which are the most important things all disappeared. Since we're barking at the wrong tree, it must be so comfortable living with the nation's backing right?
5. [+937, -33]
From throwing the shoes to hiring a lawyer, Lee Junseo is just too suspicious. We need to investigate him and reveal the truth

The police investigating the death of Son Jungmin found in a CCTV video that Song Jungmin mentioned "Golden" supposedly referring to a singer.
An official from the Seoul Police Agency met with reporters on the 10th and revealed that the word “Golden” in the video is presumed to be related to Son's hobbies. The official said, “It seems that he referred to a singer called “Golden”. “Since hip-hop terms such as “label” appeared in their conversation, it is presumed that they talked about common interests in a friendly situation.”
Golden (33, real name Kim Jihyun) was selected by producer Park Jinyoung, and lived as a trainee under JYP and made his debut as a talented singer. He is currently a member of Warner Music Korea, and he changed his name to 'G Soul', which he had been using for four years in 2019, to Golden, and then changed to G Soul in January of this year.
The word “Golden” appeared in the last video stored on Son's mobile phone. The video was filmed between 11PM on the 24th of last month and 2AM the next day, when Son and friend A drank at the Han River Park. The video contained a scene where A bowed down to Son, with Son saying, "You're wrong regarding Golden case." Son's father, Son Hyun, questioned the meaning of Golden in a recent media interview, and various speculations from netizens poured out online.
It is reported that the police called A and A's father as reference positions on the 9th, to investigate them. The investigation lasted over 9 hours, and A and his father were each investigated at a separate location. A police official said, "It is difficult to disclose their statements in the current situation."
In addition, the police explained that they received valuable tips that could help reconstitute the situation at the time of their recent disappearance and are analyzing them closely.
They added, “The entire seven teams of the Seocho Police Station, the Seoul Police Agency, the Han River Patrol and the Mobility Corps are also working hard to secure relevant evidence every day.” “We will do our best to discover the real truth, leaving all possibilities open without any pre-matured thoughts"
original post: here
1. [+2,787, -46[
What is the police trying to reveal? Let's skip on the police
2. [+2,018, -17]
Mentioning a singer? Why are they nitpicking on what he's saying... And even an deep bow?ㅡㅡㅋ This conversation doesn't add up logically
3. [+1,083, -20]
Basketball player Heo Jae-nim's wise saying" What are you talking about? What's nonsense, why are you so annoying f*ck
4. [+537, -13]
You can just ask the friend about the conversation, what's there to guess?
5. [+506, -32]
Golden = Political cop with no back bone in their body (t/n: word play)
6. [+461, -11]
Golden is a term in medical schools that refers to cheating in the exam. So Jungmin-ssi probably noticed that Junseo was cheating in the exam. Junseo probably wanted to cover it with money and called Jungmin to give him a deep bow. Jungmin who was probably disappointed in his friend refused it. Lee Junseo got mad and committed the crime accidently. You can hear him say "It's your fault for Golden" so in other words "It's your fault for cheating"
1. [+1,962, -23]
Damn it was about time
2. [+1,272, -31]
I can't believe they're only investigating the prime suspect now... I bet he's practiced shutting his mouth at least thousands of times already...
3. [+549, -7[
At this point, we need to investigate the police
4. [+430, -15]
So the most obvious investigation is only happening now? They should've done it already and let us know the conclusion to the investigation already. Anyways. this is a relief. There are so many people who take him for a criminal already, we need to resolve all unfairness. We need to solve this case.
5. [+366, -15]
As soon as they found a proof, it's over.

A: Whose parents would want to clean shoes with vomit and dirt on it?
original post: here
1. Ah f*ckㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ My mom also threw away my pants after I vomited on them ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2. Why are people being suspicious over throwing away shoes with vomit on them ?
3. Since his shoes weren't designer brand, I guess they could've just thrown them away?
4. If it was me, I would've thrown away my shoes too if they had vomit on them
5. I'm really curious, if you guys think that this was a murder, what does shoes have to do with this? They could've also looked on his clothes which would've given more proofs no?
6. F*ck isn't this obvious? Me too I would've thrown away my shoes, I wouldn't want to walk home with shoes with vomit on them
7. Why is everyone acting like that? Are you guys boasting about the fact that him throwing away his shoes after vomiting on them is proof he didn't do anything?
8. I'm not rich, but even I would've thrown away my shoes if I vomited on them
9. But nobody knows if he actually vomited on his shoes... And even when you look at the CCTV footage, his shoes didn't even look dirty
10. Me too I would've thrown them..

"A statement to the police talked about someone vomiting and waking up, explaining the drinking situation at that time"
original post: here
1. To be honest, I pitied the dad at first and now I just pity the friend...
2. Almost all the personnel of the police station interviewed him for over 10 hours. At this rate, if nothing comes out from it... Don't just bite on anything that is revealed~ Let's just wait for the conclusion to this case
3. The father already made up his mind that the friend is the criminal. And 90% of the netizens also think like that because of the dad. What will he do if it turns out that he isn't the criminal?
4. No but if I were the friend and I woke up after vomiting and realized that nobody was around me, of course I'd think that he already left, why would I think that he disappeared?ㅠㅠ
5. But if the friend is innocent and the police has investigated over 10 hours with him, they must've been able to make up proofs that don't exist. The police is so suspicious here
6. Can everyone just stop already. Why is everyone making a fuss over someone drinking at night?
7. The friend is pitiful
8. I really hope the friend sues them
9. Even so, the police doesn't believe himㅋㅋㅋㅋ The police is so annoying
10. It's true that he vomited.... It's true that he only threw away his shoes because they were dirty