"April Lee Naeun's mom, to Hyunjoo "You can't eat spicy right? I put a lot of pepper"

Mom: Omo! (shock)
Mom: I was copying Hyunjoo~
The video where Hyunjoo went to Lee Naeun's house resurfaced with the bullying allegations.
In the 11th episode of 'Here Goes April', released in November 2015, Lee Hyunjoo and Kim Chaewon visited Lee Naeun's house and enjoyed the food prepared by Naeun's mother.
In the video, Naeun's mother said, "Hyunjoo can't eat spicy food so sorry" and "I chopped a lot of peppers to show off my knife skills."
Some netizens have responded to this scene "I can't understand why she does it". Netizens commented on the video, "Is she basically saying that people who can't eat spicy food shouldn't eat her food since she put a lot of peppers in it" and "I can't understand why she said she had to show off her knife skills by chopping that many peppers".
In addition, when Hyunjoo said, "Please teach me how to make Boochimgae (t/n: seafood pancake)" Naeun's mother replied with a baby's voice "A squid, it's all stuck, there are no ingredients" To this, Naeun said, "Mom why are you talking like that? Mom talk normally" Naeun's mother replied, "Omo! I was copying Hyunjoo"
The netizen, who saw this, pointed out, "Even her mother secretly belittles Hyunjoo" "Like mother, like daughter" and "Why would you copy Hyunjoo when she's just staying still?".
Earlier last month, as the controversy over Lee Hyunjoo's bullying arose, Naeun's exaggerated way of imitating Hyunjoo's speech and actions in the past was criticized.
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original post: here
1. As I grew up, I understand more and more when people say "we need to look at parents when we look at kids"
2. Lee Naeun's personality didn't come from nowhereㅋㅋㅋㅋ She learned everything from her mom tsk tsk
3. This adult is treating someone who is at the age of her own daughter like this damn... Imagine how they act behind the scenes when they act like that in front of cameras
4. The mother is like that so the daughter is like that... Naeun saw how her mom was copying Lee Hyunjoo to make her feel bad so now she learned and is doing the same
5. She knew and she still put the peppers, and she's doing this and saying these words proudly in front of her daughter.... Isn't this the full picture?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ An adult acting like that in front of kids is seriously so childish... She's so vulgar
6. She really can't even act like an adult... This adult has not matured at all
7. Hyunjoo must've been so shocked when the mom started copying the way she talks.
Hyunjoo fighting, fighting to Hyunjoo's family too ㅠㅠ
8. I saw the video and one of the comments mentioned that Lee Naeun's mom is now suing Lee Hyunjoo and she's even sending Hyunjoo's family texts and calls to torment them??? F*ck
9. This is so so low, the kid is like that because her mom is like that...
10. She's a commoner, so let's be careful