It was already revealed in the spoiler that they got 6th
But during Inseong's interview, they were really torn to pieces
Looks like they were all holding back their tears on set

"I thought that we really must be doing something wrong?"
I'm a fan so I might be biased but the re-arranged orchestra version of the song was so good
They could've also shown us more if they knew about the 5M won limit..
original post:
original post: here
1. [+76, -0]
I'm so upset to the point I feel like an SF9 member
2. [+71, -0]
Ha.. It's my first time seeing this expression on Inseongㅠㅠ

3. [+65, -1]
I have another bias on the show, but I think even as a general public watching this, you would've been sad for them
4. [+35, -1]
I'm an Konic... But I was so mad at the episode today that I voted even though I shouldn't haveㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm only going to vote for BTOB, iKON and SF9 from now on. And what f*cking broke my heart today was that SF9 members were cheering on each other and it was so nice to see... SF9 please become close to our iKON
5. [+31, -0]
This was what the interview felt likeㅜ Inseong is always bright but you could see how he felt like in the interview... I'm crying
style="text-align: left;">Ateez moving kraken + pirate ship
(Rows label from left to right: Ranking, group name, experts' score, self-evaluation score, total score)
post response:
original post: here
1. [+234, -0]
This doesn't mean that the singers are at fault. There's such a huge difference in stage and I cannot believe that this contest is done without benefitting anyone in particular... The difference in set was big that even the managers onset complained. I hope they take into account the feelings of other teams too
2. [+205, -0]
iKON was so severe that it's almost funny..
3. [+200, -2]
Let alone the sucky camera work they gave iKON, why is nobody talking about how bad the lighting was too?... When Kim Donghyuk fell, it was so dark that we couldn't even see anything. The overall stage was so f*cking dim, seriously who did the lights on them?? They gave them yellow lights when they were wearing yellow (and the light wasn't even bright) and in the end, during Killing Me, they wore black and I almost thought we were at some club with how low the lights were
4. [+150, -1]
Do you know what's even more frustrating? Nobody would've said anything if one of the 3 teams who didn't benefit from the 5M won got in the first place, but they ended up being 4th, 5th and 6thㅋㅋㅋㅋ The 'experts' were the ones who didn't tell the 3 teams that they could go over 5M wonㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm gonna hit Mnet if they continue to do shows like that
5. [+122, -6]
To be honest the stages were f*cking too much;;; it was so much that it felt more like stage props experts competing against each other
Do you really think that it's a coincidence that the groups who got notified about the increase on the 5 million won limit all ranked at the top based on the experts' evaluation? The groups who didn't go over the 5 million limit were BtoB and iKON and they ranked last and you're telling me that this is a coincidence too? And they ranked right on top of SF9 who only appeared for a total of 2 min in the 2nd episode and who ranked last. Is that also a coincidence?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ If they are so confident, then why aren't they revealing who these experts are? I should've known ever since Mnet's sloppy clarification

post response:
original post: here
1. [+178, -33]
What's f*cking hilarious is that #1,2,3 are the most nobody and #4,5 are the most known while I've heard of #6 because of their personal recognition. In conclusion, #4,5,6 are the most popular with the publicㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2. [+159, 0]
The group who went over the 5 million limit ranked #1 and #2 in the experts' ranking, the experts' lineup is anonymous, a few team said they never heard about the budget limit, and only the teams who didn't know about the change in budget got ranked last by these experts. They are being so sloppy but think that we won't figure it out
3. [+134, -1]
No but I don't even want to curse at the teams. But if our kids spent more on their stage, they would've definitely had a better stage than the one they got. Also, no matter what you say, the unharmed teams got the benefit
4. [+70, -0]
iKON and SF9 would've got better stage with the notice but they still had a good stageㅋㅋㅋㅋ Even if they didn't rank high, they were memorable. BTOB were 5th in expert assessment, but in self-assessment, they got #2, why are they acting like such thugs against them?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Who the hell are those experts?
5. [+45, -0]
Meanwhile, BTOB were 2nd in self-assessment;; I don't know who the experts were but this is a huge gap in rank. They aren't going to reveal who the experts are but they're already in a controversy with the set budget. They can't avoid the fairness issue until the end. And I watched the preview and saw that the 1st and 2nd team are able to choose their songs for the next round too, they will be able to have influence on the 1st and 2nd stage. They need to show us that they will be able to resolve this fairness issue in the 2nd round. They also need to get rid of those producers. To be honest, I can't understand this rank