If not, sorry
post response:
original post: here
1. [+285, -28]
People are asking how can iKON be #6 and they're calling this a 'keep in check vote' (견제표 : when you vote for your faves and for other groups to ensure that you 'keep a check' on the biggest competition aka diminish the chance for the bigger competition to win). If people really wanted to keep the competition in check, they wouldn't vote for Stray Kids who is the #1 overseas or The Boyz who is #1 in Korea no? It's not like muggles can vote in this program either. You need to download the app and have a verification to vote. It's only the real fans who would go as far to participate. If they really wanted to do a keep in check vote, they wouldn't vote for The Boyz who have the biggest fandom no....? And people have been mentioning the ZZZ (Stray Kids, The Boyz, Ateez) more and more recently so there are a lot of kids who indeed like them and the fangirls are all gathered around these groups.... iKON's fandom is small and they probably won't be able to win with buzz alone, this is something that you can win only through fandom votes so obviously they will be at the bottom... And the majority of the people will vote 5x for their own team and 3x for other teamsㅋㅋㅋ If ZZZ were at the bottom, then it would be a real keep in check vote.... iKON being low is definitely not because of the keep in check vote
2. [+193, -86]
I can't believe this.... How can iKON be 6th?
3. [+185, -75]
iKON's stage didn't deserve to be 6th
4. [+176, -2]
No but muggles-ah, if you can't understand the ranking, just go vote for iKON then...
5. [+125, -4]
To be honest, I'm shocked that the other 3 groups aren't in the top 6
Stop saying this you f*ckers, it's getting tiring!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you guys want to watch refreshing concept, then just go watch music shows please.
Do you think that they even have a chance to win with a refreshing concept?
text-align: left;">
3. [+107, -0]
5. [+44, -0]
+ I'm not saying that you can't rank up with a refreshing concept
Me too I liked the rearrangement to "ㅇㅇㅇㅍ"(?) even though it wasn't completely refreshing
What I'm saying is that people always want groups to do concept they can't pull off and call it 'refreshing'
Meanwhile, what they do best are dark concepts yet they're getting f*cking sworn at
And stop saying "2nd generation idols were so different~"!!!!!!!!!
I'm not saying this to drag 2nd generation idols, but even if the dark concepts might look similar, the content of each songs is different.
Just look at what everyone has bene saying about Kingdom on the top trending ^^
Please don't get jealous if you say that Kingdom is a flop
and if you hate their concepts, just don't watch it
post response:
original post: here
1. [+132, -0]
The Boyz have been only doing refreshing concepts for 3 years though, but who weren't listening to them....?....
3. [+107, -0]
Seriously ZZZ, Sf9, etc. all tried refreshing concepts before, but who were the ones who didn't listen? The general public.... Pleaseㅠ And at that time, people were getting tired of the refreshing concept~ ... They can release anything and people won't listen to them, yet people say "the idols nowadays are such a let down, they're all the same"
4. [+98, -0]
They did refreshing concepts for 3 years f*ck..
5. [+44, -0]
Our kids only did refreshing concepts for 3 years and they only changed their concepts a bit now and gets sworn at for being the same as everyone else. We have way more refreshing songs so stop bullsh*tting about their concepts