

T/N: There was a recent huge controversy surrounding another drama called 'Joseon Exorcist' due to the fact that the drama was distorting Korean history. The same thing is happening with Snow Drop. The story is set in 1987 and Jung Hae-in is playing a protestor (who later turns out to be a spy) while Jisoo is a nursing student. Netizens were saying how their characters' names were actual student protestors who were fighting for democracy at that time. A lot of students were killed and tortured by the authorities. So netizens were mostly furious because the drama was romanticizing that period, because of the male lead's back story, etc.

While the SBS drama “Joseon Exorcist” ended early due to controversy over history distortion, the JTBC drama “Snowdrop,” scheduled to be broadcast in June, also has been embroiled in a history distortion controversy, and the advertising industry has been nervous.

As a result of interviewing Sports Kunghyang on the 26th, 'Snowdrop' is only recruiting production support and virtual advertisements without PPL (indirect advertisement). An official in charge of the advertisement for 'Snowdrop' who requested anonymity in this regard said, “Usually, advertisements are determined by the actors and the buzzworthy-ness of the work. In the case of a historical drama, it is difficult to mesh the product's brand (in the work), so it is difficult to sponsor.”

He said, "It is common for advertisements to be confirmed until two weeks before the broadcast, but the lineup of actors for 'Snowdrop' is so good, so I think there will be a lot of (ads)."

"Malgun Gothic", 돋움, Dotum, AppleGothic, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; text-decoration-line: none; transition: all 0.4s ease 0s;" target="_blank">http://naver.me/GLK8E4v9

original post: here

1. They really think that this lineup is good...?

2. The PPL wasn't the issue here though...

3. So what? Just stop this drama

4. It's not just about PPL. As soon as an advertisement will be used, it will turn out in the same way as Joseon Exorcist. You advertisers better think about this well

5. PPL is not the issue here. The scenario as a whole is the problem...

6. Ok, so what?ㅋㅋ

7. But they don't need any Korean advertisers anyways. They are just trying to rationalize the Chinese oppression. They are framing a pro-Democracy protestors = spy. So once this drama gets exported to China, they will show them that Chinese people who are pro-Democracy = spy f*ckers.

8. Wow... crazy bast*rds.... once they get their China money, they can't see anything anymore

9. Wow just how much money have they received...

10. The lineup is good??????????????????????????????? But is the plot good though?

11. Why are they so slow? PPL isn't the issue here....🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

12. Ah... they make me want to barf

13. Yah JTBC, get wrecked

14. 🤮

15. Looks like China has spent a lot sponsoring this drama


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