TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan has decided to stage this summer's Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics without overseas spectators due to public concern about COVID-19, Kyodo news agency said on Tuesday, citing officials with knowledge of the matter.
The Tokyo 2020 games organising committee said in response that a decision would be made by the end of March.
The Olympics, postponed by a year because of the pandemic, are scheduled for July 23 to Aug. 8 and the Paralympics from Aug. 24 to Sept. 5.
Kyodo said the government had concluded that welcoming fans from abroad would not be possible given public concern about the coronavirus and the detection of more contagious variants in many countries,
Kyodo cited the officials as saying.
CR: The Telegram
Why are people so obsessed with the Olympics?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
original post: here
1. The deficit must be huge
2. I feel like foreign athletes won't be there either
3. It's only a shame for the athlete
4. But without foreign spectators, won't their profit be reduced significantly? There won't be any touristic influx or tourist accommodation
5. But that's what they have to do............... for the athletes
6. I feel like a lot of countries won't participate either
7. If you think about the athletes, this is better. Of course they are choosing this option knowing about the losses they'll suffer
8. Olympic without foreign spectatorsㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ
9. But wouldn't it be better if Japanese spectators don't attend either? Unless they social distance between themselves too??
10. Huh? But won't the deficit be way to big?