These are the re-organized facts. The 2nd official position from Pledis/Mingyu has yet to be revealed.
Until we get a clear picture of the truth, nobody should be the 'assailant' or the 'victim'.
T/N: The post has a series of pictures laying out the chronology of the accusations/events, we will just translate the pictures' content, we will name each OP of their respective posts A, B, C, ... and so forth for easier understanding.
First exposing post (NatePann) - A:
- Threw a coca cola bottle's lid at someone's face from 4-5m distance
- Started training during 3rd year middle school when he became a trainee, made people pay 5,000 won for his transportation fee to practice
- Graduation album proof, but on the wrong year
- On the same day at 6AM, the post disappeared
Pledis official statement article:
- Mingyu started training in middle school 2nd year, the graduation album used by A was different than his
- We don't understand what A's intentions were
Second exposing post (NatePann) - B:
- Mingyu used to make comments like "What do you know?" "Don't be a pushover" at B.
- Mingyu's group used to make sexual jokes at B (she mentions drawing on the black board, B originally said Mingyu did it, but later fixed as 2 people from Mingyu's group did it)
- Medical record was shown (it was written that the dongsaeng didn't feel comfortable because a person who tormented them in the past is now promoting a san idol. It was mentioned briefly that she was victim on school violence from Bunlim too)
- On the graduation certificate, B mentioned that she was a victim of school violence from Bunlim (but didn't say it's Mingyu)
- B doesn't want an apology, but she just wants to warn people that he wasn't a kind kid
Third exposing post (Jjukbbang Cafe) - C:
- C is a friend of a witness, so C is the friend of a friend of the victim (C isn't from Bunlim)
- The witness said that Mingyu used to torment disabled kids (Katalk conversation between the witness and C talking about it were shown)
- C showed the witness' graduation album
- The victim said that he got sexually harassed by Mingyu, who is the same gender as him (C showed the victim's IG story)
Fourth exposing post (Instiz) - D:
- What the victim is claiming is true, D saw how the events unfolded from the back of the class and how Mingyu was enjoying swearing at people
- D also got sworn at and tormented at from Mingyu and his group
- D showed their graduation album
Pledis official statement:
- The disabled kid's mother still remembers clearly the names of the perpetrators, and it wasn't Mingyu. Mingyu actually got along with the party involved (the disabled kid felt burdened because it was let out against their will)
- We respect the opinions of the other 'exposers' and we are currently looking into things to confirm
- Mingyu will halt his activities until the controversy has been resolved
C's official statement (Jjukbbang Cafe)
- C is reflecting currently for not validating with the disabled kid and letting it out without their consent, but the posts that was written earlier had no lies beside that
- If you want to believe it, it's up to you
- The victim's side doesn't want the assailant to contact them, they only want an apology
New post exposing B's post (NatePann) - E:
- E claims that Mingyu and B were in the same academy, B is currently suffering from persecution complex
- E claims that due to B's persecution complex, they have made false accusations of school violence, now they are receiving psychiatric treatment
- Mingyu said "Don't be a push over" and "What do you know?" in a joking way. However, it can be received differently based on different people
- When Mingyu's group were making sexual jokes, Mingyu avoided doing that towards B
- During their first meeting, Mingyu shared a candy with B but B got annoyed and didn't take it
- The reason behind the post was to receive an apology from Mingyu (t/n: not sure if it's E or B here)
- E showed their graduation certificate
- After releasing the
post, E received emails and katalks related to B telling them to take down their post. E took down their post in case they would become a nuisance to the victim since it's their business
B appears (NatePann):
- B argues she and her relatives never tried to contact E. They have also never received any emails. They showed a picture (We don't know if it's the entire mail box or the receiving inbox)
- B doesn't have persecution complex and she never falsely accused anyone from school violence
- B mentions that Pledis still hasn't contacted her
E appears again (NatePann):
- E is releasing a post out of fury because everything that B is claiming is a lie
- They show the psych record of the psychiatrist that B is consulting (medical record, etc.) and it was even shown that B indeed framed someone for school violence
- Besides her, there are indeed other victims. (showing Katalk with other friends)
- E urges E to stop turning other people into assailants and to remove their posts and proofs online. E said they would quit Nate Pann after this
- E said that they can't say anything concerning Mingyu and they're waiting for Pledis' statement
B appears again (correcting NatePann post):
- B has no idea who E is, B thinks that E is confusing her with someone else. B writes down her actual email and asks E to contact her
- B confirms that she did reject Mingyu's candy, but it didn't happen (this was an ambiguous line)
- E didn't reveal their gender, but B suspects that it's another girl from the academy
Those are the facts right now:
- Regarding the school violence against disabled kid: the disabled kid and his mom confirmed it wasn't Mingyu
- Regarding the same sex sexual harassment: it was revealed by C, the same person who made up the school violence accusations with the disabled kid
- Regarding the "What do you know?" and "Don't be a pushover" comments, Mingyu did indeed end up hurting B with these words
- C, the Jjukbbang exposer, got caught being inconsistent, they haven't given a feedback yet
- Instead of a celebrity school violence controversy, it became commoners fighting each other
- Including the same sex sexual harassment, none of the claims have yet to be confirmed (the company is still trying to confirm them)
post response:
original post: here
1. [+194, -10]
I'm bitter because I bet nobody will give interest to posts like theseㅋㅋㅋ...
2. [+182, -15]
When I saw this I felt like E knew who B was and it seems like they knew which situations they were referring to. The other people. I don't think that E mistook B for another person. The content between E and B are f*cking similar and I feel like they did indeed attend the same academy. And B talked about that kid with a scar on their face at Bulim and E was also able to remember that incident and rebutted it..
3. [+152, -1]
But seeing how B showed her medical record saying how seeing Mingyu reminds her of the moment she was getting bullied and how she wanted to show people that he wasn't a good people, I feel like it was kind of imprudent of B to do it. School violence controversies are growing nowadays and the moment you're here releasing some psychology record, you are able to end it all for that person and that person can be forever remembered as a school violence assailant. B is the one who said herself that they didn't want to get contacted. Imagine if E wasn't there, what would've happened..
4. [+80, -1]
This is the issue with Nate Pann, only the posts hating on someone gets likes and posts like these receive no interest.. It's true that everyone should stay still while they're confirming things. We shouldn't draw pre-matured conclusions especially when it's school violence
5. [+59, -1]
Huh is this all true?? I'm another group's fan and I wasn't even aware Pledis released a statement. I saw the top trending article on Pann and I thought that he was the assailant... Mingyu = Soojin = school violence perpetrator, that's how all muggles know them for right now, he's pitiful