Hello, this is actor Jang Dong Yoon. I worried a lot about [what to say]. I’m writing this in the hopes that, even if it is lacking, it will be an honest and sincere response to the many frustrated people who are waiting to hear my thoughts and stance as one of the leads of “Joseon Exorcist.”
First, there is no room for me to make excuses. I’m incredibly sorry. I failed to fully recognize that this drama would become so problematic. This is because I was ignorant and complacent. I only looked at the drama from the perspective of an actor acting out a creative work. I neglected my responsibility to look carefully [at the drama] from a societal perspective. It was a huge mistake.
Based solely on the fact that I would have the opportunity to work with a director I admire and amazing fellow actors, there was no reason for me to turn down this drama. Within my limited options, after taking a variety of factors into consideration, I believed that I had made the best choice [by selecting this drama]. As I said earlier, this, too, was because I was foolish.
Believing that people can live proudly if they lack moral flaws, I have always tried my best to be strict in keeping myself in line. But now that this kind of shameful and mortifying incident has happened related to my work, I’m filled with regret.
I’m deeply aware that it is because of the love and interest of the public that I am able to work [as an actor]. Therefore, even if you dismiss this [statement] as excuses, despite my intentions, I will humbly accept that. I didn’t want to make an emotional plea or write something invoking sympathy, but in the process of trying to sincerely express my feelings, I think this has become that kind of statement, so I apologize once again for that. However, if you generously look kindly on [my role in this matter], I’d like to engrave this incident in my heart and
remember it forever while showing you good things as a more mature actor.
Cr. Soompi
Isn't this the most sincere apology of all apologies we've seen so far? He also apologized right away and he's straight to the point
post response:
original post: here
1. [+671, -15]
You can tell he's educated from his post... As long as he doesn't repeat the same mistake in the future
2. [+600,- 9]
To be honest, he could've easily stayed quiet and pretend he didn't know, but he's cleanly and loudly acknowledging it, which makes him f*cking cool. There are a lot of people who haven't done it and seeing him starting it is cool too. He's making sure he holds the other actors accountable too
3. [+401, -6]
Let's send this to the top trending posts. The other actors need to take responsibility and apologize
4. [+241, -1]
He's living up to the name of Hanyang university
5. [+238, -4]
Jang Dongyoon is releasing it so I bet the other actors will follow tooㅋㅋㅋ But seriously Jang Dongyoon seems very well educated.. Nowadays, how frequently have we read celebrities statements after their school violence scandal broke... They all make you wonder what they're trying to say in the end with their lack of vocabulary.. There are so many celebrities like them, but as expected people with long backpack straps are different.. (T/n: it's a Korean saying that means the more "long" your bag strap is = the more education/diplomas you have)