Rachel Weisz
I've never seen anyone not liking her
Her English name is English Rose
People called her the Trinity Hall Heartbreaker
because she's from the Trinity Hall
original post: here
1. F*cking pretty...
2. First time learning they were marriedㅋㅋㅋㅋ Daebakㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3. I love you Rachel
4. Way too pretty she's really an English rose
5. The English Kim Taehee
6. I thought they had a huge age gap but they're only 2 years apart;; She totally has a baby face
7. She was freaaaaaaaaking pretty in Constantine and The Mummy
8. Wow.... Her husband's aura though ㄷㄷ
9. Hul so 007 is her husband crazy. I first got to know her in The Mummy
10. I thought she was a fairy in The Mummyㅋㅋㅋ She was so shockingly pretty that I searched her up