


The transcript between the victims of PHS, her agency and her father revealed that there was no talk about monetary settlement. 
Park Hyesoo's company has previously accused the victims of gathering together to 'gain economic profit' from their accusations. This was due to the victims trying to contact the company and being vague about their identity. The company said "there might be people pretending to be victims and have malicious intent in order to make money off this situation" 
The victims' side said that all they want was the proceed with normal legal handlings and treat this situation in the most sincere way possible. They claimed that they have never mentioned monetary settlement in their chat room and that they just want PHS to apologize. 

While the two sides were in sharp conflict, CBS Nocut News independently obtained related transcripts from the victims' group and confirmed the details. In the transcripts, there were questions [from victims] asking whether or not she should apologize and accept the truth, not asking for money or to settle'. 

The following is an excerpt of some of the transcripts and the contents of the dialogue in chronological order.

Dad (D): How can I address you? My name is Park XX

Victim's group's rep (V): It will be hard for us to reveal my identity. I am just there as a representative for the group. The victims and PHS's positions are so split right now. And the victims cannot accept this situation anymore

D: What kind of situation? 

V: Right now, all we're saying is statements like 'Unfounded' and 'Will take legal actions' [from the company] which made it look more antagonistic. They claimed that everything was unfounded, but there was no attempt to reach the reach out to the victims to inquire from the company. The basis of why they claimed that they were 'unfounded' is also questionable

Then, the father brought up the first post that was made where the OP revealed that it was in fact not PHS they were talking about. 

V: Indeed but it is true that the wave of waves [of accusations] has also increased because of that person, there are additional testimonies coming out later, and there are dozens of witnesses and testimonies whether on or under the surface. But because [the company] is trying to cover them, the victims are trying to fight back. . The media is already showing that. There are several journalists who have interviewed it too. 

D: What do you mean by 'this'

V: Aside from the 1st exposer, there are dozens of exposing posts that were made and the press has been controlled by these accounts and other witness accounts 

D: So you're controlling the press? Damn it I can't understand

The father then told V that he didn't want to talk about PHS. V and D exchanged numbers so that D can relay it to the company for V. 

D: Actually I'm a person who don't like getting involved with things like this. My kid is an adult now, so I don't want to talk about how my kid is 'like this or like that'. 

V: We understand it's hard

[exchange of numbers]

At the end of the call,  once again confirmed if it was okay to pass V's phone number to the agency. The victims' group official agreed to this. So the call ended.

On the 24th, another call was made between the agency and the victim group's rep. The victim group reveals that this was the first time the company has contacted them. But even after listening to the victims, the company still released their position of "unfounded" and that they will be taking 'legal actions'. Below is an exert of the conversation. 

V: It is said that after conducting a detailed investigation and whether the posts were authentic or not, you have confirmed that the facts were

unfounded, malicious and was meant to slander [PHS]. You said you were able to confirm he truth, but we are curious to know how you were able to do that [...] 

C:In that regard, we will officially respond to that. First of all, it seems that there will be nothing more to talk about. The company will plan to release our official statement. 

The victims' group asked again. But the agency official did not listen to the victim's statement, but informed them that they would go with their official announcement. 

V: We understand that you will need to respond to this officially. But you said that you will have to confirm the facts. We are the victim's side, and you've never contacted us. We're curious to know how you would've confirmed the facts? We're here now. 

C: We will do so when we release our official statement

V: But as the victims, you are not listening to our statement right now

C: Yes yes. 

The victims then asked the company whether their statements have been delivered to PHS. The company refused to answer and kept on insisting they will respond to this officially. 

V: So you're insisting on taking the route of announcing everything officially, in that case, have you relayed the information to PHS? Tell her what the situation is right now. Doesn't she have any opinion about this situation? 

C: It is hard for us to tell you about this 'part' through phone. Anyways, we will reveal everything officially and we're already doing so in an interview right now. Once the company has organized [our position] we are planning to respond

V: So no matter what you are insisting on coming out like that? 

C: Yes, we are planning to release our statement like this. 

The victims' group then asked for an apology or recognition of the victims. Instead of giving an clear answer, the agency focused on 'authenticity' and 'truth'.

V: Am I understanding that there is absolutely no intention to apologize nor recognize any of the claims? 

C: We are not in the position to talk about this right now 

V: You guys just said earlier, that you guys were firm with your response? 

C: Who knows, we said that , but there might be some parts that are wrong. 

[...] t/n: the end of the conversation was just the company going on about releasing their statement officially

original post: here

1. Wow you know what's amazing? It's that among the top 30 entertainment articles on Naver right now, not a single one is about thisㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  Do you guys know how many people viewed this article... And there are also over 1,608 reactions... For reference, the top2 trending article right now only has 138 reactions... But it's about another actor of the company in a controversy, are they trying to throw them out;;;

2. The company is working hard to avoid paying for the drama's penalty fee

3. Are they crazy... 

4. They didn't mention monetary settlement once. Yet the company is claiming all the victims want is to get paid. This company is a real thug no????

5. The company is seriously evil. They basically confirmed that they didn't hear the victim's side and kept on insisting for the official route. 

6. They're crazy 

7. Why can't we sue that company? They're the ones who committed defamation of character right there

8. Freaking speechless

9. At this point isn't the company ruining the career of their other actors too? 

10. What an amazing company ㅡㅡ


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