Oh she definitely stands out with the summer-cool styling
2. [+53, -1]
She suits black hair like a glove. She looks way prettier with the cool tone makeup. She'll get even prettier once she loses her baby fat
3. [+28, -1]
Wow she's seriously always pretty. Weren't these taken during her 3rd year of middle school and 2nd year of high school? I'm can't believe it... Seriously, she's too pretty
4. [+12, -4]
Her growth is thrilling, seriously... This grandma loves you
5. [+9, 0]
Wonyoung's styling right now maximizes all her good traits and kills off all her negative traits. For real, how can all her clothes fit her so well? I wish that my bias could wear only clothes that fit them like a glove too;; My bias always get clothes that don't fit their tone and get weird hairstyles, f*ck
6. [+6, -1]
Maknaeㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ our maknaeㅠㅠㅠㅜ