TOP, Jung Daeun, V, Yoo Ah-In and B.I were mentioned in her main articles(?)ㅋㅋ
I wonder what kind of stories she'll share
T/N: this is her first video. She said she does like people's attention so she's starting a YouTube channel. She's also mentioning drugs, homosexual and YG
style="text-align: center;">post response:
original post: here
1. [+102, -8]
She looks like an attention seeker who's obsessed with herselfㅋㅋ
2. [+78, -2]
Isn't she that druggie?
3. [+68, -5]
Why are these little kids shielding her?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+45, -79]
Don't Armys f*cking hate her?ㅋㅋ kyah
5. [+32, -3]
To be honest, seeing what she did, I almost pity TOP... She was saying how she her sentence was unfair compared to TOP and then went to commit a second and third offense... while bragging about taking drugs..
6. [+27, -21]
So what? Men who are criminals are being celebrities, Bjs and YouTubers just fine... She's doing one so what?
7. [+24, -3]
Male idols' fans must be feeling restless