On the 4th, Goo Hyesun revealed on KakaoTV's Face ID that she met with a close friend of hers from school.
When talking about Junhan ssi, a close friend to her, she said "We became close because of our MBTI. I met someone who's like me. I think of him as my friend but Junhan is like an interview for my friend".
She also shared "I'm writing down the names of the people I want to call to my wedding lately. Since I've never held a wedding ceremony, next time, I want to have one. If I have a wedding ceremony, there are people that I really like that I want to invite, I tried to sort them out and thought a lot about it. there are more than 10 people".
The PD said "So you're meeting this man coolly right now". Goo Hyesun laughed and replied "We meet once a month? It's been 3 months, so if we meet once a month, we've met 3 times".
The staff then said "So you guys are in a some?" to which Goo Hyesun replied "I don't like getting in somes. If it works, it works, if not, it doesn't."
original post: here
1. Goo Hyesun fighting!
2. I remember she didn't want to hold a wedding ceremony because they donated instead, but she must've wanted to leave a memory of it..
3. Ahn Jaehyun is the only pitiful one tsk tsk.. And Oh Yeonseo too
4. So is Oh Yeonseo not gonna sue her?
5. Just call him your boyfriend already
6. Look at all the commentsㅋㅋㅋ Goo Hyesun, I hope you live a happy life and find a good person
7. She needs to apologize to the people she hurt and move on with her life
8. Me too I wish Goo Hyesun happiness
9. What the.... Shouldn't she be apologizing to the people she hurt first? ㅋ
10. I can't understand her..
11. To the people saying Goo Hyesun fighting, you really don't know what she's all about, she's such a b*tch.. I pity the other female actress
12. Why is Goo Hyesun acting like that? She can't read the situation at all