

I was watching other singers' encore stage and Oh My Girl's encore stage was in autoplay so I watched it and they are even worse at singing than Twice?
Why did I think that they were all talented up until now???

Seriously, it was severely bad, just listen to it once

It gets bad as soon as it starts

post response:
original post: here

1. [+212, -223]
To be honest, they are less popular than Twice so people give them a pass. At this point, they are tone deaf

2. [+175, -71]
Ahjussi, what are you doing?

3. [+147, -24]
Is the same person commenting here? The views on this post isn't going up but only the comments are going up. What a strange phenomenon

4. [+124, -12]
Seeing how you're mentioning Twice with OMG, I think I know who your bias isㅋㅋㅋ but there are a lot of videos where they are doing well so what are you gonna do about it?ㅋㅋ Blame that other group where you can't even find videos like these insteadㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+124, -9]
Huh? Did everyone commenting here watch the video? They did well

6. [+101, -19]
No but I watched the video and was shocked at how good they were

7. [+81, -112]
Seriously, how are they so bad at singing?

8. [+76, -5]
Wow where are you guys from? I'm getting goosebumps.... Are OMG even at the level of being bashed for their skills, you fools?


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