Q - We are curious about Lee Sangyeob's dating style
"It depends on who I meet. As I grow old, I become more stubborn. But I feel like I need to lower my stubbornness if I want to meet someone right? I like "chill/laid back/comfortable" people. Someone who isn't gonna get uncomfortable even with my ugly side/looks"
original post: here
1. ?? Oppa, you're nothing but handsome
style="text-align: left;">2. ????? What ugly side....???? Oppa, say that again....
3. Isn't his face still gonna be handsome even if he doesn't wash it for 1 week???
4. Isn't he trying to deceive us into something?
5. An ugly side????? Is this even possible?
6. ? Oppa that's called sarcasm
7. Do you want to get hit?
8. It's me darling
9. So are you okay with me looking ugly too?
10. Every time he talks, all he does is lie